Mafia respect to the family evolved

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dexnail, Jun 16, 2009.

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  1. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Mafia Respect to the Family Evolved​

    In 2030 the economy in the united states finnaly callaspe after years of weakening. The scientest underground been working on humens messing with their DNA unfortianatly they had to stop their experiments cause of the money shortage. The sciencetes destoyedthe research facily well that is what they thought cause some of the experimetns survived. Soon New York began to dry up and controll was shatterd. The role of athority dissappear and laws dissolved. Crime families started to make themselves known by trying to take over the town but the only problem is there is only Mafia that can make their family supreme. Now a war for power begun the battle ground is New York itself rulez they vanished long ago.


    No Godmodelling
    No powerplaying
    there can only be 3 mafia groups
    cussing is acceptedut dont over due it
    you can only have 2 chars
    you cant kill people unless you got permission
    on your chars the weapon limit is two thats it
    when you read the rulez put Respect to the Family somewhere in your post


    All right in this rp you can make an mafia family remember there can only be 3 families so make up one before its too late. Here is guidelins i will use to accept that Mafia family.

    1. the limit is 5 family memberrs
    2. they must have rulez the family must honor if not you need to make punishments
    3. family history- tell me how they was braught up and what made them so well hidden untell the economy callasped
    4. family symbol

    Mafia Families​

    Foxes of the Bloody Sand
    Family history- This Mafia hide in the ghottos of New York untell the economy got destroyed. They began to recruit people to make their family stronger to take controll of the city and they known to be sneaky and lethal.
    Family Rulez and Punishments- you cannot draw any attention to yourself by using powers when civillians are present. The punishment is you get your fingurs broken everytime an civillan see you using your power. If you hand over information about the family to the other Mafia the punishment is death. If you ever fail a mission and it results an member getting serverly hurt the leader will see to it that the person failed get his legs and his arms slowly crushed by sand with crushing pressure
    family symbol- an silver fox that is on top of an skull

    Family history-Despite uncertainty about the single origin of Yakuza organizations, most modern Yakuza derive from three classifications which emerged in the mid-Edo Period. all members are trained in martial arts and weaponry.
    Punishments- all respect and loyalty must be given to the family. any betrayal of any kind is rewarded with death.
    symbol-a katana with Respect to the Family written in japanese in the background

    The Slumdogs

    Family History: New York was one of the best places to keep prisoners that was to dangerous to be left in the outside world. They used the prison as an hideout planning out an organization that would benefit all of them to make society pay for making them regected. The guards left cause the economy calapsed and the prison security weakend severly and that gave them the chance to escape. They moved upword towards an old millitary camp they found tons of weapons. Soon they took over that area with their brute tactics and their new toys they found. They are accepting anyone that was turned away from society.
    Rulez and punishment: All members have to have a scar over their left eye and a spiked dog collar around a part of your body. If they don't have one, they get one upon acceptance. The rules are there are no rules. Do anything and everything to futher their reputation and turf. Punishment for not doing anything and everything to do so will result in a severe beating.
    Family symbol:
    a doberman



    map key
    red-Yakuza controlled
    orange- Foxes of the bloody sand controlled
    bright green- Slumdogs controlled
    light blue squeres- ports
    dark green squere- weapon storage
    yellow- banks
    silver- underground tunnel
    pink squere- citizen area
    white section with numbers- abandoned areas

    OC Form

    Mafia Family:
    Mafia Family Status: (Leader or member)
    Powers: (only 2)
    weapon choice: (any close rang weapons are fin but the only 2 guns i will accept is pistols and shotguns also the LIMIT IS 2 WEAPONS)
    Preview Post

    Foxes of the Bloody Sand
    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Azura
    Age: 22
    personality: cocky only cares for himself but he can be kind to people that means something to him
    Appearance: blond hair that is short in the back and sides. The front covers his right eye stops at his caller bone. He has goldish brown eyes.Wears a black vest and dress shirt and black pants and black dress shoes.
    Mafia Family: Foxes of the Bloody Sand
    Mafia Family Status: Leader
    Powers: able to create and controll sand
    weapon choice: Baseball bat and nail bombs
    Bio: Azura ancestors was part of the original mafia that controlled new york in the past. He made illegal deals in the ghettos and raised his influence over people. Azura established the mafia family Foxes of the Bloody Sand so he can rule New York.

    Username: Cstar7777
    Name: Hoshi
    Age: 19
    Mafia Family: Foxes of the bloody sand
    Mafia Family Status: Member
    Powers: Invisibility and Persuasion
    weapon choice: Pistols
    Bio: When she was little she was abused by her parents and then thrown out into the street when the economy turned bad. then the leader of the Foxes found her and raised her as their own.
    Preview Post: Hoshi raised her pistols up to the person's head who was attempting to kill her. "I'm Serious. I know how to use these, and I have permission to kill you."

    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Joey Milanni
    Age: 25
    Mafia Family: Foxes of the Bloody Sand
    Mafia Family Status: High Member (If you go by original Mafia rankings he's an Enforcer.)
    Powers: Fire
    weapon choice: An upgraded Tommy Gun that is Joey's most prized possession.
    Bio: Joey comes from a family involved in the Mafia over the years. Instead of coming to terms with the future he still does thing the old school 1930's Mafia way which is why he uses a Tommy Gun from the actual 1930's that he kept and upgraded over the years and a baseball bat.
    Preview Post: Joey sat in his car with his foot almost crushing the gas pedal. He was chasing down another car in front of him as part of hit he received from his leader, Azura. Apparently the man he was chasing was a Yakuza informant who was on their turf. He finally rammed the car in the back sending it spinning and making the man get out. Joey got out of his car holding his baseball bat and wasted no time giving a heavy swing to his face sending blood and a few teeth everywhere. "You really thought you could muscle in on our territory and get away with it? No don't worry I won't kill you I'm gonna send you back as a message to your group of chumps!" Joey began to mercilessly beat the man until he was sure the man was choking on his own blood. He finally threw him back in his car and started to smoke a cigar while straightening his suit "I hope you didn't get any blood on me, I got a date tonight."

    Username: keybladewarrioroflegend
    Name: Phenox
    Age: 18
    Mafia Family: Yakuza
    Mafia Family Status: Leader
    Powers: read minds and high agility
    weapon choice: katana and sawed off shotgun
    Bio: born an american, Phenox grew up in Japan. there, he joined the Yakuza, of samurai desent. he was trained and went back to America.
    Preview Post: Phenox sat on his throne, counting his money. "money is power." he laughed to himself. a man came in. "sir, i-" he was cut off as Phenox shot him in the chest with his shotgun. "never interupt me while i'm counting my money..." he frowned.

    Username: Panda Face
    Name: Yuuku Arisu Nai (Nai-Nai or Ari)
    Age: 18
    Mafia Family: Yakuza
    Mafia Family Status: Partial Leader
    Powers: Great aim, ability to walk on walls.
    weapon choice: sais, katanas, poison senbon, shotgun
    Bio: She is the powerful daughter of one of the infamous Yakuza leaders, or rather-- its desendant. She may seem very fragile, but do not judge this pretty book by its cover. She can be cruel, but is very polite, and hates people that talk too much for their own good. She is currently avoiding any if not all men who attempt to court her.
    Preview Post: Ari lay on her side, facing the zen garden, as one of the lower members came in.

    "Nai-san! Gomenasai! I did not mean to fail the mission!"He uselessly blabbed.

    "You disappoint me, bozu. Hand out. You know the code."

    "Yes m'am."
    The member winced as she cut off his pinky finger, it was the code. Fail a mission, lose a finger. When you run out of fingers, you were killed. That's all that mattered. Following orders.

    " Respect the family. DO not let it happen again, weakling."

    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Shen
    Age: 20
    Mafia Family: Yakuza
    Mafia Family Status: High ranking member
    Powers: energy manipulation
    weapon choice: a broadsword and pistol.
    Bio: Shen is one of the descendants of the Yakuza leaders. He is a calm and quiet guy who really doesn't show emotions and only shows respect for those he deems deserves it from him( but he gives Respect to the Family) . He is known as one of the Yakuza's best fighting member and was one of the reason's for many of its victories. Shen was once given the choice of becoming leader but he turned it down
    Preview Post: Shen stood in an alleyway with his sword pointed downwards at what seemed like a wounded man. "so this is the end for me. To have lost against you Yakuza scum makes me sick" the man said as Shen kept his sword pointed at the man, the tip very close to his face. Shen stood there and got ready to strike but the man started to get scared "please have mercy I'm beg......" The man said but was cut off by the blade that impaled his skull "begging for mercy even though you started the fight is pathetic" Shen said as he pulled the sword out and walked away


    Username: legion
    Name: Rusty
    Mafia Family: Slumdogs
    Mafia Family Status: psuedo leader (there is no real leader)
    Powers: regeneration and turns objects into explosives
    weapon choice: A long rusty chain and a double barrel shotgun, full length
    Bio: No one knows that must about rusty's past, even his name is wrapped in legend. The rumors go that back when he was fifteen a bunch of thugs from the now defunc italian mafia kidnapped him and threw him down into a cellar to torture him. Each day he was beaten and abused while he was tied to a thick pipe by iron chains. He was fed scraps of food, Being kept alive only to scream for death. Over the years he endured. The dampness of the cellar mixed with his blood rusted the chain. Finally, one day, after five years of punishment. a link crumbled and set him free. When that chain snapped, so did his sanity. Stiff from years of immobilization, Rusty wrapped the chain around his fists, walked up the rotted stairs and reaped his vengence on the thugs. Three of them were killed while the remaining two escaped. Since he forgot his name in that deep dark place. Rusty took up the name of the material that freed him. Now, a kingpin in his own right, he expands his his reach over New York, trying to hunt down the two that got away.

    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Ken
    Age: 17
    Appearance: has silver hair that is shagy, He has green eyes but he has an scar over his left eye, he wears an sleevless silver hoody and black fadded jeans
    Mafia Family: Slumdogs
    Mafia Family Status: member
    Powers: able to turn into a silver fox and absorb energy to make his claws and teeth sharp enough to slice through steel
    weapon choice: Hand Made pipe bombs also claws and teeth
    Bio: Ken was one of the original founders of the Mafia family Foxes of the bloody sand but he decided to leave for certain reasons. He was taken to prison there he met the leader of the slumdogs and they became friends. Ken helped make the exit so everyone could escape from the prison and afterwards they found the millitary camp. He helps his family by using the underground tunnels and he knows very clever ways that can help his family achieve victory.
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ooc: who is your character?

    Username: Cstar7777
    Name: Hoshi
    Age: 19
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Mafia Family: Foxes of the bloody sand
    Mafia Family Status: Member
    Powers: Invisibility and Persuasion
    weapon choice: Pistols
    Bio: When she was little she was abused by her parents and then thrown out into the street when the economy turned bad. then the leader of the Foxes found her and raised her as their own.
    Preview Post: Hoshi raised her pistols up to the person's head who was attempting to kill her. "I'm Serious. I know how to use these, and I have permission to kill you."
  3. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    thankes i just made my char :) now we just have to wait for more people to join :)
  4. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Username: keybladewarrioroflegend
    Name: Phenox
    Age: 18
    Mafia Family: Yakuza
    Mafia Family Status: Leader
    Powers: read minds and high agility
    weapon choice: katana and sawed off shotgun
    Bio: born an american, Phenox grew up in Japan. there, he joined the Yakuza, of samurai desent. he was trained and went back to America.
    Preview Post: Phenox sat on his throne, counting his money. "money is power." he laughed to himself. a man came in. "sir, i-" he was cut off as Phenox shot him in the chest with his shotgun. "never interupt me while i'm counting my money..." he frowned.

    Family history-Despite uncertainty about the single origin of Yakuza organizations, most modern Yakuza derive from three classifications which emerged in the mid-Edo Period. all members are trained in martial arts and weaponry.
    Punishments- all respect and loyalty must be given to the family. any betrayal of any kind is rewarded with death.

    a katana with Respect to the Family written in japanese in the background
  5. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie


    Username: Panda Face
    Name: Yuuku Arisu Nai (Nai-Nai or Ari)
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Mafia Family: Yakuza
    Mafia Family Status: Partial Leader
    Powers: Great aim, ability to walk on walls.
    weapon choice: sais, katanas, poison senbon, shotgun
    Bio: She is the powerful daughter of one of the infamous Yakuza leaders, or rather-- its desendant. She may seem very fragile, but do not judge this pretty book by its cover. She can be cruel, but is very polite, and hates people that talk too much for their own good. She is currently avoiding any if not all men who attempt to court her.
    Preview Post: Ari lay on her side, facing the zen garden, as one of the lower members came in.

    "Nai-san! Gomenasai! I did not mean to fail the mission!"He uselessly blabbed.

    "You disappoint me, bozu. Hand out. You know the code."

    "Yes m'am."
    The member winced as she cut off his pinky finger, it was the code. Fail a mission, lose a finger. When you run out of fingers, you were killed. That's all that mattered. Following orders.

    " Respect the family. DO not let it happen again, weakling."
  6. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OCC: your accepted and good job on the preview post :)
  7. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    ooc: zank you! i'm in a bit of a sadistic mood. xD
  8. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alright my friend Legion is gona make an Mafia family so that will make the 3 families that people can choose from and im gona find an Map and split the city into 3 sections that each Mafia Family will controll one part and try to defend from others :)
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Shen
    Age: 20
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Mafia Family: Yakuza
    Mafia Family Status: High ranking member
    Powers: energy manipulation
    weapon choice: a broadsword and two pistols.
    Bio: Shen is one of the descendants of the Yakuza leaders. He is a calm and quiet guy who really doesn't show emotions and only shows respect for those he deems deserves it from him( but he gives Respect to the Family) . He is known as one of the Yakuza's best fighting member and was one of the reason's for many of its victories. Shen was once given the choice of becoming leader but he turned it down
    Preview Post: Shen stood in an alleyway with his sword pointed downwards at what seemed like a wounded man. "so this is the end for me. To have lost against you Yakuza scum makes me sick" the man said as Shen kept his sword pointed at the man, the tip very close to his face. Shen stood there and got ready to strike but the man started to get scared "please have mercy I'm beg......" The man said but was cut off by the blade that impaled his skull "begging for mercy even though you started the fight is pathetic" Shen said as he pulled the sword out and walked away
  10. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Alright on the weapon choice i was intending people to only choose two but ether than that your char is fin so can you chose two weps your char will use
  11. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    take out the kunai then
  12. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    ok that will do and ill let you have a pistol for you second choice but you cant have two cause i consider the other pistol another weapon is that alright with you o also im needed people to join the Foxes to make the number of members even out
  13. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Joey Milanni
    Age: 25
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Mafia Family: Foxes of the Bloody Sand
    Mafia Family Status: High Member (If you go by original Mafia rankings he's an Enforcer.)
    Powers: Fire
    weapon choice: An upgraded Tommy Gun that is Joey's most prized possession.
    Bio: Joey comes from a family involved in the Mafia over the years. Instead of coming to terms with the future he still does thing the old school 1930's Mafia way which is why he uses a Tommy Gun from the actual 1930's that he kept and upgraded over the years and a baseball bat.
    Preview Post: Joey sat in his car with his foot almost crushing the gas pedal. He was chasing down another car in front of him as part of hit he received from his leader, Azura. Apparently the man he was chasing was a Yakuza informant who was on their turf. He finally rammed the car in the back sending it spinning and making the man get out. Joey got out of his car holding his baseball bat and wasted no time giving a heavy swing to his face sending blood and a few teeth everywhere. "You really thought you could muscle in on our territory and get away with it? No don't worry I won't kill you I'm gonna send you back as a message to your group of chumps!" Joey began to mercilessly beat the man until he was sure the man was choking on his own blood. He finally threw him back in his car and started to smoke a cigar while straightening his suit "I hope you didn't get any blood on me, I got a date tonight."
  14. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Barakon i will accept the tommy gun but since ita an automatic that is literally devistating by itself you will have to give up one of your powers and also since its upgraded so its stronger then normal ones that will be your only weapon i know it seems harsh but it makes things fair if you do that you will be good to go :)
  15. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    The Slumdogs

    Family History: New York was one of the best places to keep prisoners that was to dangerous to be left in the outside world. They used the prison as an hideout planning out an organization that would benefit all of them to make society pay for making them regected. The guards left cause the economy calapsed and the prison security weakend severly and that gave them the chance to escape. They moved upword towards an old millitary camp they found tons of weapons. Soon they took over that area with their brute tactics and their new toys they found. They are accepting anyone that was turned away from society.

    Rulez and punishment: All members have to have a scar over their left eye and a spiked dog collar around a part of your body. If they don't have one, they get one upon acceptance. The rules are there are no rules. Do anything and everything to futher their reputation and turf. Punishment for not doing anything and everything to do so will result in a severe beating.

    Family symbol:
    a doberman
  16. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    I edited it.
  17. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    ooc: soon we will be able to bring out the mafia big guns!! xD but-- i think it would be only fair if the mafia leaders had a "leader meeting" every once in a while... disputeing territories.... killing terrible servants... yatta-yatta. :D
    just a suggestion.
  18. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Alright the Mafia Family is accepted and all the ocs are accepted as well now im gona make one more char and we need one more person to join the Slumdogs then we are ready to begin :) and panda face im planning for the mafiasa and the members to meet each other to tell each others its on and etc :)

    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Ken
    Age: 17
    Appearance: has silver hair that is shagy, He has green eyes but he has an scar over his left eye, he wears an sleevless silver hoody and black fadded jeans
    Mafia Family: Slumdogs
    Mafia Family Status: member
    Powers: able to turn into a silver fox and absorb energy to make his claws and teeth sharp enough to slice through steel
    weapon choice: Hand Made pipe bombs also claws and teeth
    Bio: Ken was one of the original founders of the Mafia family Foxes of the bloody sand but he decided to leave for certain reasons. He was taken to prison there he met the leader of the slumdogs and they became friends. Ken helped make the exit so everyone could escape from the prison and afterwards they found the millitary camp. He helps his family by using the underground tunnels and he knows very clever ways that can help his family achieve victory.
  19. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    Username: legion
    Name: Rusty
    Mafia Family: Slumdogs
    Mafia Family Status: psuedo leader (there is no real leader)
    Powers: regeneration and turns objects into explosives
    weapon choice: A long rusty chain and a double barrel shotgun, full length
    Bio: No one knows that must about rusty's past, even his name is wrapped in legend. The rumors go that back when he was fifteen a bunch of thugs from the now defunc italian mafia kidnapped him and threw him down into a cellar to torture him. Each day he was beaten and abused while he was tied to a thick pipe by iron chains. He was fed scraps of food, Being kept alive only to scream for death. Over the years he endured. The dampness of the cellar mixed with his blood rusted the chain. Finally, one day, after five years of punishment. a link crumbled and set him free. When that chain snapped, so did his sanity. Stiff from years of immobilization, Rusty wrapped the chain around his fists, walked up the rotted stairs and reaped his vengence on the thugs. Three of them were killed while the remaining two escaped. Since he forgot his name in that deep dark place. Rusty took up the name of the material that freed him. Now, a kingpin in his own right, he expands his his reach over New York, trying to hunt down the two that got away.
  20. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: alright its time to begin :)

    Ken was walking down the millitary tents of the Slumdogs territory it was new home since he left his old one. He skipped happily down the dirty cracked pavement he was so different unlick other people he could always see a bright side. Ken went to the only building that was not a tent filled with weapons. He enterd the room it was dark like Rusty liked. Ken waked around he opend the door to the bedroom it was pitch black but a shine from an chain made itself noticed. "heya Rusty surprissingly one of my pipe bombs did not go off so thats goin good and come on outside enjoy the cool breeze from the ocean" he said happily as he bumbed the man with the side of his hip.
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