Wasn't really sure where to put it. Didn't take too long. The reason I made it was because I was bored, I'm not allowed to leave the house because my parents grounded me because they think I'm tripping acid. I saw half-inch-in-diameter rainbow flashing circles on my hands because my head got light and when I told them, they grounded me. I'm being drug tested tomorrow. -__- Anyway, it's a wallpaper.
Gotta love the Zelda pose. Blue is a very nice color for the series as well, that and green, the way the colors look water-painted. Great work!
Oh I like this... The colours are really bright and pretty,and it all fits together really well :3 Nice work!
I like the clouds in the upper right hand corner since it corresponds with the theme that you were going for with the "skyward" name as part of the title. I also like the image of Link you used, especially the sword and how it appears as if it was painted. The really light blue isn't really my taste but as long as you like it then that's all that matter. Overall I think you did a pretty good job of unifying the theme of this wallpaper in connection to the title of the game itself.
Zelda=<3 It looks great. It's clean, simple, and everything looks like it's where it should be. Nice work!
I see you tried to do some smudging in this and it's a pretty good but it's going against the flow of the focal. Besides that, the placement of the focal is kinda off in my opinion and I think you should've blended that effect that you used on the bottom left better. You're doing better though so just keeping on practicing.
I love the smudging you got going in the top right corner~ THis is just my opinion but I think this would look heaps better if the blue smudge/brush behind the triforce was a similar colour to the smudging in the top right corner.