At about 8am on the 23rd of October my nan lost her fight against lung cancer. I'm not one to grieve or mourn as accepting death has become a natural part of who i am, but a part of me just feels abit confused. She lived only a few roads away and seeing her a couple times a week either at her home or the hospital became part of my routine. It just feels slightly weird not seeing her around anymore. I'm not feeling down and I know that eventually time will pass and i'll feel better but it's just taken a long time to sink in.
Everything will be alright. If you're not wholly distressed now, don't worry about that too much. It may take some time, but eventually your routine of going to see her will break. If you ever need to talk, we're always here for you. Don't worry; everything passes, and this will, too.
Just because death is part of life and shiet doesn't mean you don't have to grieve. Losing someone is tough.
Jay, my deepest condolences to you and your family. Losing someone really is difficult and it's okay to feel whatever you're feeling at the moment. If you ever need someone to talk to as well, I'm here for you. Hope you feel better soon c:
Ah. I understand. Similar things have happened to myself. It is good that you are taking it relatively well, but like the others said we are all here to help cope if you need it! I am truly very sorry, it really is quite terrible.