Take note folks: You do not want to lose a bet against Kairi and Namine, as Sora just realizes: And to think, this is just from a foot race!
Fom what i see it looks pretty good, but could you please resize it so we can see the picture fully? Roxas is cutout.
You gotta love what happens when you get insperation from a 13 yearold xD As you know I already Love it. Ready nice job shading btw. And nice job doing the touch up work ;3
Yeah, thanks a lot for warping my mind with such an image. lol I still don't see how you gave me the image for a 'Christmas special'. EDIT: .Kairi., I drew the pic, but colored it on photoshop. This is pretty much what happens when you get Boredom + Rosey + Free Time.
The coloring is great, the way they were drawn looks kind of weird though. Just some proportional issues. Roxas' legs are too short, and Namine's face looks rather manly. Like I said before though: The coloring looks fantastic.
Yeah, Roxas and Namine were problems because I didn't have any 'official artwork' pics to use for reference, at least for Namine. Roxas only had one, and I just plain had to guess.
lol Sorry about that. That was the first time I've ever tried a side-view of anybody, and I didn't really have any reference pics, so...more guess work.
*sighs* I really have no idea how these ideas come to me. I mean, I can blame Rosey, but only up to a certain extent...Am I losing my mind?
I gota say, it's a job well done. Most of the problems has already been noted so no need for a repeat.
You should probably know, I'm going to try and make another pic: A Christmas special, where Riku has had one too many 'Mickey Malts', has Roxas in a headlock while dancing, Sora's in shock, while Kairi and Namine are having laughing fits. Mickey's covering his head with his hand, with a look on his face that basically says, "Where did I go wrong?" And they're all wearing Christmas outfits...
I have to agree with the others,Naminé and Kairi look awfully skinny and Riku's arm looks kinda akward But other than that,nice job.