Here are some art I drew out of boredom. Some of these might be sketches while others are finals. More on the way... If you like any of these, you may use them but give me credit. :3 Jack Frost Spoiler Rei Spoiler
Hmmm. I know you didn't ask for any advice but here I roll Dunno if you're planning on becoming better and taking drawing for real, but if you want to become better I suggest drawing from life. Drawing anime is fun, but you'll be better off if you start drawing from life right now. Your drawings will come out better and you'll be able to draw anything you fuken wish. Then there's his face. The words "Am I on the naughty list?" don't really fit with his face expression. It's as if he's a mannequin, you know? I'd give him a sly smile and one of those eyes with one eyebrow up and the other down. I know drawing hands are a pain, but try drawing them anyway. You'll learn from your mistakes and will improve.
Thanks for the suggestions. Mostly drawing hands are a nightmare. I've always been practicing drawing hands which don't turn out that well... Thanks a lot anyway.