...So... I was following the translation project from years ago, ever since it was first announced... It's come a long way since then and finally... My patience has paid off... I have it at at last... THE LIMITED COLLECTOR'S EDITION OF SCHOOL DAYS HQ! /preparesforniceboatmemesandthelike Spoiler So... the front of the collector edition box. The back of the collector edition box. The inside... So, the actual game case, oppai pad and key chain. And finally... the inside shot of the discs and instruction manual. Also... in each photo, I apologise for the random toes/foot/leg (especially in the last shot) you can see. lol ...didn't notice they had crept into the shots at first. ...So yeah, my free time shall now be dedicated to this (and finishing Kira Kira too...) *enters creepy Otaku hermit mode where I won't be seen for days and days*
I don't really like the looks but the fact that it haves Japanese writing makes it AWESOME. So how'd you get it and how long you wait again????
I pre-ordered it ages ago from the official website. (It was originally an unofficial fan translation project, but the real companies took notice and basically did the awesome thing of helping (and gaining a profit) and endorsing the translation). The project started a few years ago... So this was effectively years in the waiting since I've followed it from the start. and yeah, it basically shipped from the US here to the UK and it arrived for me this morning. But yeah, this was worth every penny I think. ($59.95) And that's pretty much the story.
The Hero of Time approves of Kamina in this thread. Never seen this anime. It seems good by the looks of it.
Well technically it's both. I mean the package I received of course is the visual novel itself (if that's purely the thing that Dark/Nagisa was referring too), but there is a very good anime adaptation of it (like there is with a lot of visual novels) too. Figured I'd mention it just in case Hero/Ventus (I never know what names to call people by when they change them... lol) is interested in it anyway. Either way... update in case anyone is interested. The install took ages, it had to install 12 gigs of content lol, and at the time I thought my laptop might die from the effort of installing it, but alas it has worked. XD I've actually yet to play it though... :/ Still have other things in the way, but I may hopefully make a start later tonight.
I'll admit, I generally pirate my visual novels due to the fact that a lot are unobtainable unless you do so, but I try to make up for it by buying a lot of content for that series elsewhere (DVDs, manga, OSTs etc). Since I had an easy enough way to get this legit, I figured I'd do what I could to show my support, especially since I've been following the translation project for so long and I know how much effort they put into making the game available for everyone. Quite frankly they deserve the money. XD And yeah... 12 gigs, lol but the game is huge story and choice wise, so it's definitely worth it. This HQ version is said to have a few new endings as well as a fair bit of other new content, and the quality of everything in general has been improved greatly. 12 gigs of content is something I'm not complaining about for such a good game lol Hmm... *thinks* Well... if I ever meet a girl who just happens to go psychotic and cut my head off, I doubt I'll have a choice in the matter. lol