
Discussion in 'Archives' started by Peace and War, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Now first of, I warn you that this poem is based off the stories of pedophillia, so it contains referrences to sex and a little violence.
    What I was trying to do here, was present it in a way in which the poem was in a slow guitar solo song style, I also viewed it for the pedophile's eyes, in which they see it as a postive thing, though in the end it is elfish and wrong. (though the last line is up for debate)
    Enjoy and try not to be offended.


    My little Lita,
    Your big blue eyes sparkle up to me,
    Tempting me,

    My little Lita,
    How your smile shames a thousand doves,
    How can this be legal love?

    My little Lita,
    Oh, all mine,
    All mine,

    Lita, oh Lita,
    My gorilla hands touch your delicate chest,
    An envy of silk where I bury me face, acts like a nest

    Lita, oh Lita,
    How your youth shows, by no hair down here that grows
    I just taste and feel, licking my lips from this tasty meal,

    My, Oh, Little, Oh, Lita, ah
    Feeling you, and touching you,
    Hurting you, and scarring you.

    I pierce that barrier between our bold bodies,
    Now you bleed, I’ll lock you away, keeping the keys

    Till another day,
    Oh, poor, little Lita…​
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    to tell the thruth.

    this made me feel a bit disgusted in some parts.

    but....this is rather harsh...but poetic at the same time.

    except one thing.....the person who you portray in this poem, compares his hands to gorilla hands?

    thats the only thing i actually thought strange.

    but to tell the thruth i feel as if this barely scratches the surface.

    but its best that way.
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    It was a somewhat intresting piece for me to write, I was disgusted at some points but I didn't really think my feelings mattered, only who I was trying to portray.
    And I have scratched away part of the surface true, but all I tried to express is that pedophilles are fueled by the lust of a younger body, using it in the most poetic way possible.
    I was trying to tell the tuth as the best I knew it from news stories and other made up stories, trying to get the truth out there, and also tell the story of a Pedophille too.

    Though now that you mention it, I do feel kinda dirty for writing it...
  4. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    This is rather creepy. It's just a very perverse written work you've got here.
  5. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    yeah it is.
    kinda reminds me, fun in a depraved way....jk

    anyways, as i said this only scratches the surface.

    but its still somehow, creepy and a totally good and poetic way , i mean.

    dont feel long as you dont lose yourtself in the person youre trying to portray
  6. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Oh my, very well done. I'm familiar with the book Lolita, and I must say that the poem really captures the essence of the story and the obsession with Dolores from Humbert's point of view. The poem exceptional in that view as it gives the disturbing feeling as does the book itself. I'm impressed. Good job.