So my mom still hasn't given up on the idea of Easter baskets. Easter morning usually goes something along the lines of this: 1. I wake up forgetting it's Easter 2. I notice my mom is acting strangely and... remember it's Easter 3. I look outside and there is a MASSIVE BASKET Today was, unsurprisingly, the same, with one small twist: My mom forgot the sounds bunnies make (or I guess I should say lack thereof). Today I woke up and walked by where she was sitting on the couch and she said 'ribbit'. Ladies and gentlemen, the Easter Frog.
LOL, my mom's the same way. I stayed up long enough to play the role of the "Easter Bunny" which is basicallly putting the baskets in front of my sibling's doors. They're small, but I always love the large hallow ones. They usually last me a month if I eat it right. Plus, since I'm an adult, I don't get any of the toys but we're going to go buy me a DVD later one. :D
That is so cute. I want an Easter basket. ;__; I don't think we're doing anything today. Also, bunnies purr, thump and oink.