Lock in.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Forever Love, Oct 8, 2007.

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  1. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    'Tis 8:16 on a prettyful Monday morning where I live. & a church nearby my house had a lock in last night to this morning and it was fun. But you know, I stayed up forever. So now I'm dead tired. Uhh. Anyways, it was pretty cool. I talked to a girl I havent hung out with for about a year now and we're like.. best friends. =] And a problem I have right now.. is that I have to go eat breakfast at IHOP with my g-parents and my head is going to fall into my syrup-y pancakes. Its gonna be bad. I'm basically delirious (sp?). I'm surprised I can even tell you guys the story now. Heheh. Yeah so me and the girl I havent talked to in forever (Amanda), we were totally jacked up on Mountain Dew last night and early this morning and we were acting wetarded. We were mocking things from Taledega Nights and saying random things. I even told a joke I read on here. Heheheh. And she told me some.. well.. obvious jokes.. but I laughed at them anyways because I was out of it. XD And so.. I woke up yesterday at 12:40 in the afternoon and was up til 5 this morning and only slept for and hour (AKA 6 A.M.). Wanna know why? This obnoxious (sp?) Junior screamed random crap and woke me up. He screamed "FIRE! EVERYONE HURRY AND GET OUTTA HERE!!" right in my faceee. Aghh.. I hate Jake now. =\. It's his fault I am super grouchy today. Arghhh. So.. now I'm blabbing on and on about random stuff.. but since I have to go to IHOP now.. I must bid you adeu (sp? again).

    Good bye my friends!

    The delirious Kairi2011
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