1. Opening Fanfare 2. Final Fantasy (Concerto) I. Grave – Allegro II. Adagio Cantabile III. Allegro Molto 3. Kings' Knight (A Pretty Day Out) 4. Chrono Trigger (Silent Light) 5. The Final Fantasy Legend I & II (Main Theme and Save The World) 6. Final Fantasy X (A Fleeting Dream) Entracte 7. The Last Story (Spreading Your Wings) 8 Final Fantasy XIV (On Windy Meadows) 9. Blue Dragon (Waterside) 10. Lost Odyssey (Suite) I. Prologue (Main Theme) II. A Formidable Ennemy Appears! III. A Sad Tolten IV. Dark Saint V. Light for Blessing ~ A Letter VI. Epilogue (Main Theme Reprise) Interested ? Hurry up a tune in, it already began (Final Fantasy Concerto started a few minutes ago), here : http://www.wdr.de/wdrlive/media/wdr-tv-event_web-m.asx
You' re welcome. Yup, it was awesome. I wonder how long the entracte is, I love Lost Odyssey musics (especially the main theme). The concert will probaby end up on you tube, I' ll link it later in case you want to hear the FF Concerto (a FF 4-5-6 medley). Edit : There, the Opening Fanfare is on you tube. [video=youtube;qc8-KCXyVAg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc8-KCXyVAg[/video] Final Fantasy X (A Fleeting Dream) [video=youtube;VmRIG7aKfuk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmRIG7aKfuk[/video]
eh, I hear FF music all the time with how much I play it, but some of the others I've never heard, like Lost Odyssey, The Last Story, and a few others