Ok so: 1. The cyberbullying thing, with Sarah and that, grew huge. She started a whole-school army against me, sending rumours around, calling me a lesbian. You know, for someone who just got msn, she's very good at all the cyber-shiit. I told my parents and my mum decided to take me out of my school, she's not letting me talk to anyone from ther online, and starting next tuesday, i'm the new kid at a new school! 2. You know how my uncle had lung cancer? Well, its cleared. Unfortunately now he has two odd tumours in his brain. Apparently chemotherapy affects everything but the brain, so the cancer looks for a place to travel that isnt already chemicalized. long behold, the brain. so he's in hospital, doing all right now. Ok, so i'm the new kid at a new school, i'm only gonna be there for 2 terms before I change schools again. How do I not screw up my reputation and be freakishly unpopiular??? Dont tell me to be myself, because I tried that at my last school, that failed miserably. :) Thanks if u took the time to read that, I just needed to vent.
the key is only letting the real you out in small doses. make new friends and slowly dole it out. otherwise act like you're totally indifferent to everything and make it seem like you're totally chill. ^ what my mom told me to do once. i'm not suggesting you do this, either.
New schools are always hard. This thing is, you do have to be yourself, or else people will be making friends with you for someone else, not you. Be weary of people who befriend you, but don't be totally reluctant. I know there are some people who take advantage new students.
I'm not too sure of your case with this cyberbullying thing, but it sounds very similar to my life. My niece, who is a year younger then me (17) was also being cyber bullied from kids at school in middle school at the time. At one point during school she apparently complained to a dean about this bully, but it wasn't true. A lot of people thoguht it was, so they callled her a tatletale. As time went on she was being picked on at school and on the computer. She was called TTA (Tattle Tale) Ashley. TTA was written on kids arms, lockers, gym, lunch room, binders and etc. It got so bad that I was walking her to her classrooms, but that stoped because the school could care less. Kids were making chains in the middle of the haways so she couldn't go through. It got so bad that I even got caught a bit in it. My niece stoped going to school and was added on the news papers and she was on Dr. Keith Ablow's show. Anyway, she also went to a new school, but she's in contact with some of those kids that picked on her. They have left her alone for three years now. I wish you the best with this whole case. I'm sure everything will work out.
That's good about solving your cyberbullying. But be way cause it can start again at your new school.
To be honest, if you're not yourself people will befriend you for all of the wrong reasons being that it's not actually you. A new school will help you start fresh and I'm sorry things in your life had to resort to that. Just try to make as many friends as possible that like you for you you are. Be yourself and people will like it, if they don't just forget them. You can't please everyone, so don't bring yourself down to anyone's level who tries to change you. I hope all goes well with your uncle. (:
I hope everything goes well for you in your new school. Don't change yourself for anyone,or anything. People will like you for who you are,and most likely if you don't talk to people online from your old school,there won't be any problem with that girl anymore. I hope everything goes well for you,and I hope your uncle gets better. <3