List of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Discussion in 'Social Groups' started by Spike, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal

    This is where our journey starts, men. Once your name's been added to our ranks, fill out the form and post that s***.

    - Username: Spike
    - Avatar
    - Age: 21
    - Vow:
    As the founder and Arbiter of this group, I swear past the edge of my ability to make this the most GAR group any message board has ever seen. My eyes are open to the words of my brothers, my heart is open to the pain of my comrades, and my soul is bound to the souls of my brothers. My allegiance is to no single person, but to the group and each and every collective man apart of it. My judgment will be wrought in the name of the group as a whole, and there will be no bad blood between me and he ones who leave us.

    - Username: Deathsight44
    - Avatar
    - Age: 20
    - Vow:
    Though I travel with my own group and standards, as a member of this gentleman's club, I vow to uphold the values and dreams of those that travel the man's path. That we should rise with the dawn and set as the dusk, that we shine as no others have before, or that we we bring clarity to those that are blinded by other's light. As a man, and as a human, I vow and swear that my brothers will have my assistance and loyalty no matter where they may go, so that they have the opportunity to wander where their hearts may lead them, and that my assistance will disrupt anything that gets in their way; my promise that I will contribute that which I can to the brotherhood, and ensure that none think that they stand alone. That not one brother of mine will be left to fall. That I will offer my hand to those that do.

    - tummer
    - Avatar
    - Age: 21
    - Vow
    - 21- As a member of the club, I vow to aid in keeping the valor and spirit of other the other gentlemen alive. There are many things out there may cause disagreement, but this does not mean I will judge a fellow gentlemen (or person) on one aspect, but instead on his overall character. I will help my fellow man never give up on the quest that they are on. While I may not always join them, I will be an ally and guide to where ones path may lead them.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014