One of my recent most favorite reviewers. He reviews a lot of other things, but at least for this thread, please keep it to Atop the Fourth Wall. His humor can be off the wall sometimes, but he keeps it squeaky clean and I love his storylines. My favorites so far are either the origins of the magic gun or the Entity. Both were incredibly well-written and had amazing endings. I especially like Marville. Just his reaction to it being that week has me laughing.
Welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, Where Bad comics burn~ Man, I've been watching his show for a long time now. I've seen all his storylines (personal favorite is the Entity) and almost all of his reviews. I remember the first review of his I saw, Superman At Earth's End.
Oh yeah, his other comic reviews are allowed, too. =3 I know he does others. My first one was the first one. I have to admit, I'm not a HUGE comic fan, I do enjoy the Marville ones which even watching him I know are probably the worst comics ever made. And a few others, I also liked his Vyce series. I hope at some point he does flashbacks on what actually happened while he was on that ship. He never talks about it and he's at the point now where he could show it.
That and where in the hell did he get that gun? From Wiki it says he keeps on saying he got it on ebay. And yeah, the whole Vyce thing is weird, he said in the review after he returned they did just a lot of scanning. But whenever he talks about/sees Vyce he just gets all serious and angry like something really bad happened there. That and he didn't seem to know really that much about dimensional travel when Jaeris showed up. Which is weird, was Vyce's ship changed so he could survive in that dimension? Or was it something else?
He's got a magic gun, Where'd he purchase that? LINKARA! You know, never really thought to hard on the Dimensional travel bit. You raise a pretty good point...
I also like the Magic Gun concept, is there one for every dimension? Do champions have them specifically? What are the criteria for being a champion? I kinda always pictured that there's a council of Champions who test the up and comers to make sure they're up to par. That they are protecting and keeping an eye on things without going batshit insane with power. But that's just me.
I'm guessing there is at least one per universe. I wouldn't be surprised if that ended up being an actual plotline at some point.
I wondered the second time I watched through the series... Why does a religion know about the Entity so much earlier than the Pokemon games being made? If you look at Maggie's clothes in the Silent Hill intro's, she looks like she's from the 1800's or so. How do they know about the Entity then? There's probably time differences between the dimensions, but it seems odd. That and the magic gun is sentient. Does that mean someone dies each time to create it?
Alternate universes are weird like that. A simular(sp) example of universes taking place ahead of the one the story takes place happens in (in a different series mind you) Bioshock Infinite. The game takes place in 1912 but you often hear covers of more modern songs playing at different points in the game (i.e. Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Everybody Wants To Rule The World, Tainted Love, etc.) because the people of Columbia (city of the game) hear them through tears in space & time and make the covers. Well we never really are told how those magic guns are made. The one we do know was made with a soul and the power of a glitch turned Eldritch Horror. For all we know each gun is created differently.
I don't know... The magic gun seems to be at least semi-sentient. If you look at the Jaeris thing, the only way he could get them was by getting the person who had the gun angry enough so the gun would reject them. That doesn't sound like just an object.
Well again, we weren't told the creation of each magic gun. I'm not saying they aren't semi-sentient, just saying they probably all weren't created the same way as Linkara's.
True, but what's the process in it? I mean, do they have to have a person die/sacrificed to make it? I'm just curious and morbid.
Apparently from his vlog and twitter Iron Liz isn't coming back to the show. She's going to a police academy instead. I'm glad she found a great occupation, but I'm going to miss her on the show. She's a good reviewer and brings her own strong humor and support to Linkara on the show.
Yeah, I caught it on his Blip account on their review of a movie. Though they're no longer dating, he still does vlogs with her, at least he did. The other was a Wiki, so I'm relying on the vlog more.
Well... They did, but she was still good friends with him. They still are, but she went off to school and was too busy to come back. She was supposed to return this year, but apparently that fell through.