Kingdom Hearts II Lingering Will

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Help' started by Mysty, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Okay so I'm playing KH2 for the first time. I got to the fight against Terra, and as soon as I walk in, I pretty much get killed within seconds, if not a minute or so. Anyone have any tips for this guy?
  2. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    See if this helps:


  3. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    I tend not to like watching video playthroughs cause I feel that ruins the intensity of it.

    And yes... Its my first time. When 1.5 came out it was my first time playing 1. I had played every game but 1, 2, and BBS. I read the manga so I wasn't really lost.
  4. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    If it's your first time, don't even attempt it (and expect to get far) before level 85 or so. First time, I did it on Proud Mode, and it was still tough at level 99. Also, if you consider yourself a noble fighter, I suggest you throw that away for this fight. It can be a very cheap fight, so be cheap back. Abuse flaws in the AI, take advantage of the fact that going into a drive form heals you and restores MP. If it helps you, use items. If you start to freak out because you feel cornered, pause the game and think for a second. Any rules you established for yourself to make the game more challenging should go out the window.

    Most important thing to know is that his health works differently than all other bosses. When you first attack him it does barely any damage. Do not just go in for one combo. After every finisher, the consecutive hits do about double damage. You should be able to continue combo-ing him until you take off a little over one health bar, before he counters you. I think it varies depending on your attack power, but you should be able to predict how many finishing combos you can land on him before he retaliates. For me it was five.

    If you don't typically use guard, now is the time to start. All of his moves (except for the one where he locks your attack or magic/item commands) can be blocked. That includes his Ultima Cannon. When you see him charging it up, try to get close, and use guard to send it back at him. This leaves him open for a combo. Get used to the timing of his attacks, and it should be a relatively simple task blocking or dodging his basic attacks. Also, if one of his combo hits gets you, use aerial recovery at the right time to make use of its temporary invincibility to avoid his follow-up attacks (unless you're at 1HP, in which case you risk dying).

    He's usually vulnerable when landing (after he attacks or jumps), as it takes him a little time to recover. That being said, it's still a pretty small window, and if you miss it, you will probably be open for massive damage. Err on the side of caution. Don't go for the attack if you're very far away. If you're somewhat far to mid ranged, but not quite close enough to get him in time, cast thunder on him to send him in the air. This should buy you enough time to quick run over and get a few combos in. His three air sweep attacks is the easiest way to hit him, though he can do it several times in a row, so you can't assume you have an opening, as he may attack again. Most of the time when you get a full set of combos on him, he'll use this sweep attack 1 or 2 times (in other words 3 or 6 attacks total). This is a very easy way to loop him so he's predictable.

    The move where he traps you and your commands turn to Fall and Escape is not as hard as it looks to get out of. It's a lot easier than Xemnas' version in KH1FM (and also a lot easier to avoid the attack altogether). If he uses it, don't panic. The commands move really fast at first, but they slow down considerably after a few seconds. It drains your health very slowly, so as long as you weren't just about to die, you should be fine. Once you can move again, start gliding away, so it'll be much harder for him to hit you and you can focus on the commands. Put the cursor on the second or third command, instead of leaving it at the top. Most people find that easier to process, because if Escape ends up on the fourth command, you don't have to do the counter-intuitive thing of pressing "up" to go down to the bottom. The first few times, I paused the game to help me see where the Escape command was, but now I've gotten the feel for it, and I only do that if my health is critical and I need to get rid of it fast.

    I do highly recommend watching the video posted, as it was very helpful for me. I understand not wanting to be spoiled though. Most things I was able to figure out on my own. I watched it after I got far enough where I saw all of his attacks, and just wanted confirmation I was doing it right, and some tips on dodging certain things. His desperation move (ultimate attack where the lighting dims) is REALLY hard to dodge completely (I've only done it a handful of times, even knowing how). That's where the video is the most helpful. It's a series of well-timed blocks and dodges, that is very easy to mess up. There's three parts to it. The first you guard everything, and the second you glide away. Those are fairly simple, but the third is more complicated. If you get hit by his desperation move but still survive, even if you only have 1HP left, I highly recommend going for the combo anyway. You won't be close enough or land soon enough, so after his last rush attack do an air recovery and cast thunder to buy you time, then get in a few combos and heal right before you trigger his counter (note that casting thunder counts as one of your combos, so it's one less than usual). The last stage of his fight is much less predictable, so it's harder to get a chance to attack him. It can be a little scary being aggressive with 1HP left, but as long as you know what you're doing there's very little risk in this moment.

    It might seem like a faraway goal, but it's probably closer than you think. Learning his attacks and gaining a bit of muscle memory is the difference between getting killed instantly and getting to his last few bars. And it's a fantastic feeling when you get him down to 0. Good luck!
  5. Miles Cull a Duty 2 : Electric Boogaloo

    Jul 31, 2011
    yeah dont watch the video. Really just keep practicing. You will learn his moves and know when to stop attacking when he's about to attack you right back. Level up as much as you can including drive forms. Buy a bunch of potions, ethers and elixers. Also makes sure you have the "Second Chance" and "Once More" abilities. If you don't it will make it 10X harder.