
Discussion in 'Current Events' started by BaseSebastian, Jul 20, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Now, I'm not one to bash Gays and Lesbians. But this one sorta caught me off-guard...0_o...

    Linsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson, both celebrities before the relationship, have been seen holding hands, kissing, and even a rumor of a ring pruchase. Now, I'm not judgin' the whole, "The fact they're Lesbos" deal, I'm just sorta shocked Lohan's gone "unstraight." I mean, I know the fact that not all Gay/Lesbians are unattractive, but Lohan is hot when she's not doin' drugs...and when she's not in Rehab....0_o'', but, we're most likely going to see Lohan bald again if the relationship turns butch, anyway. Not to say it will. Ronson, not to judge, seems to where the pants, and Lohans the chick, if you really need to know. Just like Adam Sandler is the chick and Kevin James is the a movie....xD I swear, did anybody wet their pants who didn't see I now pronounce you Chuck & Larry?

    Now then, besides the shocker Lohan is gay, I just want to say: Awesome, nice to see you chose somebody who makes you happy. Just don't get back on drugs and make more movies. You disappointed alot of guys though, who, seriously, aren't me. (I said she was hot. Not that I'd want to date her. There is difference. Such as, a guy can say another dude is handsome, and not sound totally Gay.)

    I mean, Ellen Degeneris, she wears the pants in her reltaionship with that hot model (Forget name, and like Brevity, I refuse to research it), and come on, she's mega-awesome and funny. Not...>>...that I watch....her show....<<....every now....<>....and again....><.

    I put this in the debate corner by accident, meaning to put it in current events, but there's probably something there for this now anyway, and I'll just feed it to you guys to decide:

    Are you a guy? And if you said yes, did you cry your eyes out when you heard this news, you pathetic, sissy, whiney girl, who likes to do the chacha like a sissy girl, you

    No seriously, real debate question:

    Are you OK with Lohan and Ronson. If not, please take this "get over it" stick, and clump it over your pathetic head.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    I really don't care either way who Lohan dates. Really, it's her life and well, as you said, I would just hope it means that she's going to clean up her life and keep away from drugs, PARIS HILTON, and doing things that harm her image and bring her more pain. Really, if this new person keeps her away from the likes of Paris Hilton, who has messed Lohan, Spears and Ricci up and somehow avoids rehab herself...well good for Lohan and she will have got her head on straight.

    I don't think that many guys would whine over it really. After all, the chances of getting with an actress/actor whether they stay single or not, are gay or not, etc really is so slim that it's best to just admire them from a distance any way.
  3. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    O.o Lohan's gay? Really? This one got me by surprise, definitely. Where did you get this information? Was this aired on TMZ or something?

    Ehh . . . well sh!t happens, and who am I to care for her sexuality, and I can care less at this moment [I'm just a little . . . shocked? *shrugs* I donno]. I like the girl, as she's a decent actress, in my opinion, I won't deny that. She was pretty awesome, but then the whole alcohol and drug thing happened. Again, sh!t had happened, but she's straightened herself out and that's what matters. I honestly don't care what she does as long as she stays sober and goes on with her life without the use of drugs, alcohol and all that illegal and crazy stuff that she usually pulls.

    And I hardly think that guys would be that depressed over this news . . . many will just find her a little more hot, mostly because now she'll be getting busy with another chick. Unless of course she's bisexual, and not homosexual . . . Then I think the “hotness†level would only go up some more.
  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    As long as she tries to remain straight edge with her drugs and other notable individuals, I don't care if she dates a woman.

    Though I must say, Lohan dating a chick? **** that's hot. D:
  5. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    I don't care about celeberties personal lives, so it doesn't matter to me who the person his, what race, sexuality.
    But it really doesn't matter if someones gay/bi/ or straight, so I have to say that I really don't care.
  6. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]

    And there it is... :sideways:

    Also... my other question was umm... WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE DEBATING HERE? Her being lesbian? Her decision to be gay, or what?
  7. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    There is no "decision" to be gay/bi.
    You either ARE or are NOT.
    kthx bai.
  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    O.o? Qué?
    You miss my point. That's what I'm saying . . . there's nothing to debate here. This is nothing but news, and I think this belongs in the Current Events section and not the Debate Corner.
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Mah bad.

    And wow, useing the right words and not sounding biased really does help...0_o...Nobody's really attacked me for mentioning Lohan and Ronson are Gay, and I'm actually, truthfully OK with the whole deal.

    Btw, somebody asked where I got this info:

    I actually saw it on the cover of People, Us, or some other non-celeberity-rag newspaper (When your mother is a hairdresser, and you have to spend hours in a salon, and you forgot a book at home, you tend to at least look at the covers or skim through the moderately dude-friendly parts.), and it showed a legite photo that depitcted Lohan and Ronson holding hands and looking all lovey-dovey. At first, I was a little sktechy as to whether this was just something to sell papers, but when I turned on my internet explorer the day I started this thread, it showed the same pitcure, and a few others as well, that explained Ronson's family was OK with their relationship, and they do make....a far as Lesbians go, I mean.....not to be biased, of course,...but there's always something just a little wrong, yet a little hot about Lesbian couples....not to mention the way, Sam looked in the picture, she kinda seems to wear the pants.

    So, after seing several times in several places, it became legite enough to post it here.
  10. Repliku Chaser

    I'll go ahead and move this to Current Events since it does more belong there.

    I saw it on some mag cover at the store but didn't really care other than to think 'haha, that's kind of hot' and 'hope this means she ditched Paris Hilton'...because sorry, but I can't stand that woman. It seems every celeb she hangs out with ends up in rehab while she skirts off fine. I almost ponder if it's not some sadistic trait in her to ruin the lives of these other people. Maybe she figures knocking them off will make people see that she has talent...but I digress. Lindsay hopefully will stay on the straight and narrow now and know when she is partying too much versus just having some darn good times.
  11. Serbkiller Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 21, 2008
    Wow how interesting... :sideways:
    The Lindsay-factor has fail again...(like always)
  12. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    And, you know how alot of people blame Lohan for mostly getting Heath Ledger on drugs and drinking after he split with his girlfriend/wife (I refuse to research it)? You almost now wonder if Hilton had a hand in the whole "Medication death Fiasco". Seriously, Paris is one screwed-up chick, with, as said, no talent.

    EDIT: And thanks, Repliku, for moveing this.
  13. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    Well I certainly hadn't heard this. But then again, I haven't been keeping up with the celebrity world.

    I really don't care though. Maybe this will keep Lohan off the drugs and out of rehab. Which would be a plus. But if shes happy then thats good.
  14. Kairi9020 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 22, 2007
    In a house, in a country, on a world. Where else?
    I could care less who either of them date. Their living their lives so we might as well just deal with it.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    And does nobody notice the Bruce Almighty quote?! I mean, God, I've been waiting forever to use that quote! Somebody could at least say something about it! FOR CRIPES'SNAKES. and another thing(!)....wait....what was this thread about again....? o_o
  16. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Oh look, it's been moved. 8D

    Ah, I see where you got the news from, Sebastian . . . apparently this was really old news, as I mentioned something to one of my acquaintances, and they looked at me like I was giving them prehistoric news. O.o' Er, right . . . eh, it's not like I keep in touch with wth the celebrities like to do anyway. It's not my problem, nor my concern whether some celebrity become something-sexual, or shave their head or something. Might give me a good laugh, but nothing more. Well, at least Lohan seems to be doing fine being sober [and I actually care for that more than who she's dating . . . she had potential, as a young actress, but she sort of stomped on her own career . . . Oh well]. Let's just hope that she stays that way.
  17. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Wow.I never knew Lohan was gay.I didn't think it would happen too.Well I don't care.I never liked her anyways so why should I care now.If she found someone she likes or loves, then I don't care.If she goes back to doing drugs then that's her problem if she decides to mess up her life again.She can live her life the way she wants to.Both of them can live their lives the way they want to.
  18. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle &lt;3
    It don't bother me, whoever she dates is her business, but I didn't know she went lesbo.
    Like they said, as long as she's happy, then it'll be okay.
  19. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    well, i always knew paris hilton

    had an evil complot to take over the world....and this is only the beggining

    too bad for her lohan straightened out(or not lol).

    but to tell you the truth , i dont really care about her sexual life.

    as long as she's a good celebrity(not so sure).
  20. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Not offense, but how does this qualify as news? These celebrity nutcases are entertaining to watch when they screw up, but the money these people are paid to investigate them is going to waste.
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