
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by khmage1918, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    You wake up in a world of gray, everything is gray, but the wandering few are not. Who are you? Where are you? Questions like this buzz in your mind, like annoying bees. "Hello." A little girl with black hair and a white dress almost dances to you, her bare feet touching the gray grass. "Welcome to Limbo." she purrs, petting your head... or what you believe to be. "How fitting." She giggles. "The perfect form for someone like you." Your eyes widen as your life hits you with the force to flatten even the densest of metals. Your experiences, good and bad have shaped you into this form. The form of your soul.

    Welcome to Limbo!
    This is a world of indecisions and the in between. You are also at your most vulnerable, both mentally and physically. Your physical form represents who you were in life, and you must decide with a fresh new mind glimpsing back if you find yourself fit to eternal rest, or to put it off until another time. You start at Level 0, the gray area. There are 6 sides above it and below, either increasing white or black depending if you chose to go closer to Life or Death.
    There is no such thing as a 1 chance or your dead scenario. When you are completely defeated or "dead", you are reintroduced into Level 0 with no memory of Limbo, or of anything, but you are still allowed to remember the life you had before.
    In order to remember anything at all, you must meet the little girl in the white dress.
    Those who do not just wander aimlessly, and if they stumble into Life, they will have Amnesia.​

    1.This is a PG-13 thread. Light Swearing and Light Romance.
    2. No Power Playing or God Modding. This is quite annoying to everyone, please don't become hated.
    3. At least have proper grammer rules and proper spelling. Please, it's quite hard to understand you if I can't read what you're saying!
    4. Have more then one sentence please, unless there is absolutely nothing else you can write.
    5. If on haitus(a short break) please pm me so that I will not presume your character is not gone.
    6. Be respectful to one another! Don't be haters or you'll be booted!
    7. Please pm your OC to me, so that it doesn't clutter up the rp.
    8. If you understand these rules thoroughly, then type "I decide." in your pm.

    The Girl in White- Sora is Cute
    This little girl is kind to all, even to the most grotesque of forms. She is one that will comfort you when you feel the hit of your memories, then show you the choice you must make. Her favorite word is "Decide". No one knows who or how this little girl came to be, but she's always there, and never grows. She is the first you meet. Her form is always a little girl with gray eyes, gray skin, black hair, and a little white dress. She prefers to not wear shoes.

    The Beast of Life- Sora is Cute
    This beast is a struggle, always able to allow you passage and always able to ring your throat. It is shaped like the influences you had during life, so it has no real specific form. You may change the form to whatever you like, but I control him.

    The Beast of Death- Sora is Cute
    Much like the Beast of Life, this one is more geared to choose the form of your pleasures and comfort. It will always talk in a purring fashion, trying to lure you in to add to the souls of Death. Again, you choose the forms, I control this one.

    OC FORM:
    Age(before you came into Limbo) :
    Appearance(both in and out of Limbo) :

    Accepted chzaracters:

    Username: Sora is cute
    Name: Anita
    Age before Limbo: 15
    Appearance: Before Limbo: [​IMG]
    Appearance while in Limbo: [​IMG]
    Bio: One of the dark, Anita tends to stray as far from the mainstream as possible. Her life was relatively peaceful besides that, though had a burning hatred for the mainstream. Her father drinks, her mother works, her sister is annoying.
    Personality: Now that she is glimpsing into her past instead of truly remembering, Anita is much kinder then what she once was.
    History: Being hit by a car, she fell into a coma, a prolonged version of Limbo.
    Other: She has a strange love of stuffed toys. Especially dark twisted ones.

    Username: Naomi Misora
    Name: Lynn
    Age: 16
    Appearance: before limbo(also my drawing):
    The darkness/shadow form in my drawing here is her limbo form:

    Bio: Everyone thought she was a happy child, but even while young she suffered from anger and depression she never learned how to understand. With each year she only became more confused about herself and yet she never asked for help.
    Personality: She was always trying to nice to everyone around her without being pushed around...too much. Now she wants to just be there for herself, thinking that perhaps this is a second chance even though it is gloomly.
    History: She started to hurt herself in hopes that she will never hurt anyone else. One day she ended up posioning herself a little more than usual and feel deadly ill. Thus she is in limbo.
    Other: Is an artist and had her characters comfort her through out life.

    Username: тяαgєɖу ❥ {JAYN}

    Name: Ann Marie

    Age: Seventeen.


    In; Here

    Out; Here

    Bio: She was always left alone. It wasn't something to be sad about, to her at least. It was just life. Her parents were constantly busy and she was an only child. Being alone made it hard for her to relate to people. She found herself becoming extremely apathetic to certain situations. She even found herself smiling in the midst of tragedy. She could feel herself breaking, even before thrown into the confides of Limbo.

    Personality: Quiet and calm for the most part. She doesn't like to talk much, nor does she like being around others. Her personality is unstable, and fluctuates regularly. Though for the majority of the time, she is detached and spacey about things, she also has a side of her she doesn't let loose often. That created by insanity--instability and darkness. Other times, she's completely calm and gentle.

    History: See b i o.


    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Drake Grey
    Age: 20
    Appearance :
    Normal: [​IMG]
    Bio: Ever since Drake was born he has been confused with his emotions. He fines it hard to feel the emotion of happiness, sadness and many other emotions. Despite this he understands these emotions he cannot feel properly and prefers that others feels the happiness he cannot properly feel. He was an empty person who lived to help others
    Personality: He is a calm and cool person. Despite that he may be emotionless at times he is also a kind person who tries his best to make people happy despite what happens to him
    History: While walking out at night Drake came upon a woman getting mugged. Drake ran forward to protect the woman and in the end Drake was stabbed. The woman was safe, the thief caught, but Drake lost his life

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Haru Echos
    Age(before you came into Limbo) : 19
    Appearance(both in and out of Limbo) : In:
    Bio: Haru had been haunted with dark thoughts since he witnessed his mother kill herself. He found himself wondering how far his father would let him go. Tricking his father into several dangerous situations such as driving out to the pier at night when the edge of the dock could not be seen.
    Personality: Haru detatches himself from everyone else and yet leeches off of them. He enjoys lying and could not tell a truth to save his life.
    History: Haru's obession with drugs ended with an overdose, tossing him into the gray plain of Limbo.
    Other: His old catchphrase used to be, "I decide who I want to be."

    Name: Tanya Lumini
    Age(before you came into Limbo) : 22
    Appearance(both in and out of Limbo) :IN:
    Bio: Tanya stayed out of the way of everyone at school and at home. Her parents treated her like she never existed and her past boyfriends walked all over her. Shutting off her emotions wasn't enough to deal with the betrayal of the last boy she thought she loved.
    Personality: Tanya is usually calm but since she was thrown into Limbo she became hot tempered, her moments of calm coming less and less.
    History: Tanya's rage at her boyfriend caused her to hit him and the girl he was with, with her car. The brake pedal wasn't working that night and it kept going, hitting a tree. She fell into a coma still in her car with no one to care.
    Other: "I decide" Tanya's collar is broken off at the chain link leash, the collar once belonged to her dog's.

    Username: Death Twister (but will most probably be changed to -dinamplified in a while)
    Name: Rashelle
    Age(before you came into Limbo) : 15
    Appearance(both in and out of Limbo) :
    in -
    out -
    Bio: Rashelle was the daughter of a scientist, a scientist she never loved. She always wanted to take part of the experiments her scientist father did, but he would only push her away from the laboratory. This always got her angry and braking things. Her uncle, which is also her father's boss, took her away when she was 10. They did lots of experiments together. She loved her uncle so much and always compared him to a much better father than her own.
    Personality: Rashelle is easy to manipulate even though she is very stubborn. One can easily outsmart her, but she will put up a fight. Which also concludes that she is rather immature and child-like (also since her uncle babied her a lot) but other than that, she is a sweet girl who really just wants to play or rather, do some experiments.
    History: With the 'love' her uncle had for her, he always tucked her in bed. One night, her uncle did tuck her in bed but that was the last of what she could remember before Limbo.
    Other: she loves experiments and solving problems even if she may not be too good at it sometimes.
  2. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    ooc: And we shall start! Keep in mind, newbies that you must use the OOC format if talking out of character. use the BIC to go back into character. Many thanks!
    BIC: The Girl in the White Dress skipped around, greeting the new arrivals. There were quite many in this world of Limbo, sometimes going in for a long time, or they blink in and out because their physical wounds were too great. She skipped along, meeting a new arrival, because she had no memory of a form so dark and cute.

    Where am I? Who am I? These seem like such familiar questions... A little toy shadow imp stared around the eternal gray plains, in a daze as to where she was.
    "Hello." A young voice chimed, picking up the almost weightless toy. "Oh my, what a fitting form for someone like you." purred the young one. Memories of an entire life, birth to present hit the little toy, wincing painfully. But she viewed them all as one looking in, barely feeling the experiences.. "Ah! So you remember? What about your name? Quickly now, time is short."
    "Ani... Anita!" She found her mouth moving awkwardly, raising what she assumed was her hand to feel stitches that were meant to keep her quiet.
    "Good." The girl sang, putting down the toy and watched as the new arrival started to test walking. "Hurry up now, Decide. Up or Down?" Anita turned to the Girl in Gray, confused. "Quickly, please decide. Up or Down?"
    "Up?" Anita frowned at her answer, was that good or bad?
    "Good." The girl laughed, pointing to the sudden staircase leading up, a slight gray. "Go on. Start walking." Anita sat bewildered, but got up once more, walking up the stairs to who knows where.
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Remember who I used to be? She's all tied up.
    Ann Marie
    ǝıɹɐɯ uuɐ

    Deja vu... Grayness. Quietness. Nothingness. All familiar sensations. Her head swarmed with these thoughts of familiarity. It was more than deja vu, she finally decided. You've been here before haven't you? No. But you have—shut up. The voice in her head was louder than before. It was of fuzzier distinction than it used to be. At least back than she could tell the two apart. She wasn't even sure which voice was at fault anymore. They both annoyed her. They all annoyed her, even the ones outside of her skull. The ones her ears could hear.

    Her world—this world was altered in some way from when she last remembered it, or at least thought she remembered it. Maybe it had been a dream? Maybe she hadn't ever been here at all–

    Quiet. Stop that.

    It was different because she was toppled over onto her side, staring blankly out in front of her. Something was wrong. Her body was wrong. Her ears were wrong. Her smile was wrong. Her eyes. Her stomach. She was wrong. Her lips parted to let words slip out, but nothing came. Because apart of her knew why she was here. She was waiting.​

    I suppose I could snip, snip. But then she might fall. Ew. Messy.​
  4. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    ooc: Damn, if only I had an ability to code that well xD
    bic: The girl in gray chuckled, nearly floating with the amount of air she got in one skip. She chuckled as she examined the new arrival. "Hello. My, that form would only fit someone like you." It could be taken as an insult, if her new guest could see what they looked like.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    I can't stop...smiling... She reached for him mouth but then realized...she couldn't. She didn't have any arms.

    Little white holes in her face that acted as eyes looked around the area in which she was in. It was all grey. All blank. I want to paint it... I feel like I really should add color. It's so...dull. For some reason the lack of color was more disturbing then the lack of knowing where she was. That was another issue that bothered her, just not as much.

    Wait... Am I her? Am I a he? Or just an it...

    The little thing made of shadows with two horns that curled at the end moved a bit, unsure if it even could without feet. But it managed, somehow. Drip, drip... Dripping shadows... The thoughts were funny in a way. It was as if she was losing pieces of herself even by just staying still.

    Why am I here...? Maybe...something will come to me.
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Remember who I used to be? She's all tied up.
    Ann Marie
    ǝıɹɐɯ uuɐ

    My form...Fitting? It was as if time was moving slower, information traveling to and from her brain like molasses. The desire to move had come to her quite some time ago, but it was only now that her broken body was beginning to shift and straighten. Her left eye—the one not stitched down, rolled upward to meet the gaze of the small girl before her. Say hello, sweetheart. Say hello, darling. A small smile forced it's way onto her lips, her knees bending and fingers tracing a fresh cut on her stomach, a painless one at that. She simply stared ahead, quiet and content.

    "Hell..." --O.

    I suppose I could snip, snip. But then she might fall. Ew. Messy.​
  7. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    The Girl in White chuckled, a delicate gray hand touching the stitched up eye. " What is your name? Do you remember?" She heard another arrival, laughing as cute as a bell. "So many new arrivals lately. Quickly now, because you have to decide."
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Is it just me or is it quieter around here... Two blank white eyes opened and stared at the a gray floor. There's nothing....nothing around or inside me...

    His head jerked upright, or what felt like upright. Which way was up? Down? Dread tickled his mind. I wonder...who or what else is here... was something familiar to her ears. A dryness settled on her nose...? Unconsciously, she licked it to moisten it and felt better. Hair tickled her nose. The sensation and reflex to itch it were drown out by the chattering of her conscience, I'm supposed to be somewhere, I just know it..... Bad.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Remember who I used to be? She's all tied up.
    Ann Marie
    ǝıɹɐɯ uuɐ

    The little girls fingers brushed up against her stitches and Ann Marie shuddered, a coldness shooting through her skin, sinking into her veins, eating at her bones. Her lips pressed hard together, body robotic-like lifting itself up onto it's knees. Her joints were stiff, as if they needed oil to be applied to them. As if she were hollowed out, broken up. Like a doll. If then occurred to her that she was hollowed out. Her body was weightless, spine and bones numb, flesh wound fresh and painless. It was like paper and clay.

    Why? Fitting? Why?



    What's your name?

    My name.


    “Annie...†She trailed off, knowing that couldn't have been right, but she didn't retract it. She simple stared ahead, pondering what she was supposed to be deciding.

    I suppose I could snip, snip. But then she might fall. Ew. Messy.​
  10. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    The Girl in Gray chuckled. "Quickly now. Decide. Up or down? You pick the way." She waved her hand, causing two flights of stairs to appear, one brighter and one dark. "I have new arrivals." She skipped along, and vanished from view.
    "Hello, form so fits your body." The girl in white skipped in front of this poor little shadow, cuddling what one would call a broken toy. She petted the head, smiling. "Do you remember? Because you have to decide quickly now. Hurry hurry, Up or Down?"
  11. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    The shadow looked to the girl, its smiling never wavering. It fits...because I am darkness. I am dripping.

    It looked down, thinking about the girl's question as its head was petted. Do I remember...? Yes, I remember. Down is down, up is up. Up is bad, very bad.

    "Take me down. Down because I am a shadow and shadows go down." It realized that its voice was very weak and quiet, nearly an echo and nothing more.
  12. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    "Down then." The girl smiled, putting the shadow back on the ground and summoning a staircase of a darker shade that led down. "Good good. Now you can always decide something else. Remember that." she laughed, vanishing to deal with her other arrivals.
    "A doggy!" The girl in white cried with delight. "No, a wolf." she put her voice down an octave in an almost mocking tone. "A form fitting for one such as you." She purred, voice dripping honey.
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    The shadow watched as the girl vanished before turning it's attention towards the stairs. They looked iniviting enough for someone so dark. I wonder where they go... Perhaps to a place where I can blend... It drifted towards them, floating down on to the first step. Step by step the shadow lowered, ready to greet whatever awaited it. Maybe I will meet the girl again... I think I like her, she's so nice...
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Remember who I used to be? She's all tied up.
    Ann Marie
    ǝıɹɐɯ uuɐ

    “Down, then.†She murmured to herself, dead eyes locked forward. With a soft sigh, she pulled her body up with little effort, eyes locked still on the staircase in front of her, before she finally stepped forward slowly, to descend down the staircase. She wondered, just briefly, what awaited her down there. Or what these arrivals were. Who, rather. Where she was, and if she had really ever been here before.

    I suppose I could snip, snip. But then she might fall. Ew. Messy.​
  15. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Drake slowly began to awaken as he lying down on the gray grass of the gray world. One his eyes were fully open Drake calmly stood up and looked at the gray scenery " I?... no...who am I" Drake said and looked down at his hands. Attached to his arms were a pair of black blades. Grabbing the top of his left arm blade Drake tried to pull it off only to realize that the blade was literally attached to his body. Giving up on the blade Drake closed his one golden eye and stretched out the wings on his back
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Her eyes opened, the red irises focusing on the little girl. "A what?" her voice came awkwardly from her narrow mouth. This kid called me a wolf? She wobbled as she stood on all fours. "What is this place? Who am I?"
  17. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    "You are in Limbo." The girl petted the cheek of the dark wolf, smiling. "Hurry up now, remember and Decide. Up or Down?" She purred her words, urging her new arrival to hurry up, since there were far too many new arrivals all of a sudden.
  18. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Remember and decide? The first word to pop into her mind was a name. Was it hers, only one way to know. "Tanya..." It felt like hers, "Down...I deserve to go down." She didn't know what she meant but if it felt right, it probably was. Tanya glanced down at her black furred paws. "Limbo...?"
  19. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    "Good dear. Try to remember now. And Down you go. Enjoy Limbo. The Realm of the Inbetween and Decisions." she summoned a dark staircase and vanished from view.
    "La la la~" Was all this skipping girl could sing, stopping in the view of the man with wings. "Hello. Welcome." she hummed. "Ah, such a fitting form for someone like you." she purred, gazing with milky eyes at the one open eye.
  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Drake looked down at the little girl calmly a fitting form? Drake thought to himself. Many questions filled his mind the moment he woke up. This only brought up more. "who may I ask are you?" Drake said calmly looking down at the small girl