Like or Die OOC

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Mysty, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    ................................................................................................................ ... ... ... OH! Now how did you get into this box with me? I was just reading a story. It's pretty cool. Okay, I lied, it's not a story, its a collaboration of jokes some idiots on the internet made about Captain Puerto Rico. No it is not America. Have you seen his clothes, it's just like the flag for Puerto Rico.

    Anyways, I'm guessing you want to know who I am. If you don't know who I am already then you are probably an idiot and don't know much about culture. Let me help you a little bit with this next banner to introduce my awesome self!

    Well that was stupid. I just shot everything and now no more box. Lucky enough for me there is a school right outside of this box. So This here is my place where Myst is deciding to put me for a while. He calls it 4th Wall Academy. It's pretty neat. We got a whole bunch of people just like me who play around and break that wall. No, not the Great Wall of China, not the Berlin Wall, heck we don't even tear down the Walls of Jericho; We tear down that wall that you are looking at. It's so powerful I can change the font, size, and color of my typing.
    Okay so now you are probably wondering just the same thing I am... What is with that title. What does any of this have to do with KH-vids likes and dying? Well Let him tell me tell you.... yeah... mhmm... Oh that could be fun.... So now that I know what is going on, this is a Roleplay where all you original characters go to classes, or not, and totally right awesome things... write not right... dumbass. The point is, after a week, all of your liked posts will be added up an who ever has the least amount of likes for the week DIES! The winner gets immunity for the next week. Totally fair right?

    Anyway, a bunch of my 4th wall breakin buddies are here too, right guys? Guys? Guuuuuuuuuys? Well they are probably getting ready for classes or Myst is too lazy to go and photoshop them into a render. I'm sure he'll do it later. I can give some of the names for a few of them: Pit, Poemy, that Genie from Aladdin, Ratchet and Clank, The Scout, Beuce.... wait, that last was is NOT on that list. What am I thinking. Pretty sure he'll win this RP though. If you don't know who he is, you're wrong.

    So let's get this character sheet going.

    Username: Because we all that your character isn't playing them self
    Character Name: Names are overrated but do it anyway
    Picture: Well I can't just talk to thin air
    Personality: Yes I know, we all break the 4th wall, but at least have SOME personality
    Where are you from: Where were you on the day of blank and blank!?
    Favorite Media: Be it books, anime, movies, real people, I wanna know
    Favorite 4th Wall Breaker: Mine personally is Beuce
    Other: Whatever

    I guess now I should lay down the rules here at the academy...

    1. Lol rules are dumb
    2. LOL! Number 2 means p-
    3. Don't make me stop talking
    4. Now for the serious rules.
    1. Nothing rated R.
    3. No you cannot kill someone because only I can
    4. When your character dies, they die.
    6. I will not be participating since I have to do the teachers and setting
    7. Have fun, go nuts, and have nuts.
  2. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Username: Excuse me? I am my own character. I am me, nobody else. Okay, okay, he goes by the username Shu. What a weenie
    Character Name: Stefano 'Hunter' Macellazione
    Picture: You can't talk to thin air? What the hell is wrong with ya? Fine, you know what? Here, have one, ****in' stalkers. Keep it as a gift, everybody needs a little Hunter in their life.
    Personality: Awesome, excellent, brilliant, superb, virtuoso, best at everything to ever exist.

    Kinda violent, sarcastic, I don't take anything seriously, and I only do things to help myself, because why would I waste my time helping anybody else? Wait, you're saying..people need to be alive to worship me? Okay, screw what I just put there, I occasionally help someone else out. Occasionally.
    Where are you from: YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHIN'! It was the one armed man I swear! I'm from a small town that Shu hasn't thought of the name of yet. Damnit Shu, get your act together, we ain't gonna dominate this rp if you can't think of a name. See that finger? Pull it out of your ass and get writin'.
    Favorite Media: Anime, movies. Anything that has death and destruction, because that ****'s cool, yo.
    Favorite 4th Wall Breaker: Uh, hello? You're talking to him right now and you still have to ask? You make Ginger look like a genius, and that's sayin' somethin'.
    Other: So, now that introductions are done, how about we go for a walk? You've been such a lovely person, I can't wait for this to start- *stabs viciously with knife*
  3. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011

    Character Name: I could tell you, but your ears would bleed and your brain would catch fire from being unable to process such extreme sex appeal...I'll do it anyway, it's Beucefilous
    Picture: Want that autographed? Yes? I thought so.
    Personality: Well you see, one does not simply describe the awesomeness that is Beuce. I am completely and utterly perfect in every way, shape, and form unless the plot demands i have this whole tragedy behind the comedy shtick and it's all dramatic and everything. Then i redefine what perfect is, so i'm still perfect.
    Where are you from: Well, i obviously spawned from the Beuce creation station of the FWARDIS. See, every time i'm signed up with in an RP, another Beuce is added to Unlimited Beuce Works (the most awesome thing in the history of awesome), and that's where we keep 'em.
    Favorite Media: Is mayonnaise a media?
    Favorite 4th Wall Breaker: why is this even a thing? EVERYONE'S favorite is me.
    No no, don't bother checking the other character sheets, you'll only prove me right.
    Hey, i said don't check them!
    ...**** you
    Other: Stand back y'all, it's time for a real main character to take the stage.
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