It's all about enjoying the little moments. Looking for work, picking up and dropping off applications, going to interviews... And then a guy is playing the harp outside a coffee shop, and so you just stop to listen. And the wind is blowing overhead, and you can hear a few early crickets in the background, and you smell the pine trees nearby, and so for a few minutes, you can just... Stop. And remember that life is actually pretty great. ...or something like that. XD
Remember when there used to be a Life spokesperson kid that got changed out when the last one got too old? When I was a little kid, my goal in life was to be the next spokesperson. XD
... Life cereal is my favorite cereal, and although it has changed in recent years, for a good portion of my life, Life the board game was one of my favorite board games, and I also fully intend to start collecting issues of Life Magazine once I start getting a paycheck again, so I guess... I must just really like life. XD Fitting, then, that this is one of the better songs in one of my all-time favorite movies, and the character who sings it also has the line that I've made my life's motto. XD