started again this morning and I was not at all as prepared as I thought I was. Going to bed last night fully aware that school started again the next day was a horrible experience, but waking up knowing I have school in 30 minutes is one of the most unwelcome feelings I'll ever come to know. So long relaxed, un-stressful days. I'll see you again in 6 months. edit: just brushed my teeth and put shoes on, let's see if I make it through the day without breaking down into tears. I would really like an optimist to teach me the whole positive attitude thing right about now
:/ definitely not the best feeling in the world. However, at least the first day back isn't "as" crazy as the rest. I wish you the best your first day back!
I don't go back till Monday but I have tonnes of work to do that I've been neglecting this holiday. I basically have half a semester of studying and work to complete in four days. I ACCEPT THIS CHALLENGE!...not that I have much of a choice lol. It feels like the past two weeks didn't happen. Maybe cause I didn't do much but laze around.