Life = Pain?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by SnoofyXChristhor, Apr 19, 2007.

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  1. The meaning of life and death is pain.

    As everything in both leads to it. Therefore, pain is the only real thing henceforth to live is to become pain itself.

    But if most people dont like pain. Then they dont like life, or death. Or even themselves. So does that mean life is just a pointless mistake?

    [c=12]Kyle[/c] - [c=4]The agony[/c] [c=4]R[/c]e[c=4]v[/c]o[c=4]l[/c]v[c=4]e[/c]r [c=4]9[/c] 4lyfe - Go Canucks says:
    That makes me think.
    [c=12]Kyle[/c] - [c=4]The agony[/c] [c=4]R[/c]e[c=4]v[/c]o[c=4]l[/c]v[c=4]e[/c]r [c=4]9[/c] 4lyfe - Go Canucks says:
    [c=12]Kyle[/c] - [c=4]The agony[/c] [c=4]R[/c]e[c=4]v[/c]o[c=4]l[/c]v[c=4]e[/c]r [c=4]9[/c] 4lyfe - Go Canucks says:
    I like pain
    Lover of the darkness. Dont care if you critsize me. I am who I am. Dont think you can change that. says:
    Same. But most people dont. Are they the mistake? Or are we? For if it is us then life is supposed to be torture. Yet if it is them. Then life is also torture to most, therefore should not exist.

    Purple = me

    Black = Shadow.


  2. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    241 is paunful, and there are lot of sad things that this world has to offer, but there's also a lot of happy things. I try to focus on the happy things, because it is basically the only life I'm gonna get. Life seems less painful when you think about it that way.

    So...I guess...I....disagree? O.o
  3. But eventually the good things lead to pain when they get bad.
  4. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    So? Those fletting moments of happiness and releif are what it takes to get most people through life. What would you rather have? A life of happiness and pain, or a life of JUST pain? Happiness may make you weaker, but enjoying at least a small segment of something can make it worth while. I'm here, and I'm living, so I'm gonna enjoy it while I can, rather then mope around and talk about pain all day.
  5. uh... Now I feel guilty... And you made me feel like an emo!!!!! Which I'm definetely NOT!
  6. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Well, it definitely sounds like it. Stop thinking of the bad things in life, and you will enjoy it more.
  7. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    You have a pic of some who has cut their wrists for your avatar...
  8. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    Without unhappiness there would be no happiness, for if you did not feel unhappiness you would never know what happiness truly felt like, and vice versa. The first step in creating life is not pain, it is happiness. When a mother learns she will conceive, she cries tears of utter joy and hugs her lover 'till there's no tomarrow. Even the act of creating offspring brings great happiness. The birth itself gives a few hours of pain but decades of joy.

    In death, there is no pain. Death is the release from pain and therefore is not painful. It brings forth an eternity of serenity, away from pain or unhappiness. As such, death is not pain, it is serenity.

    Life itself is the medium between pain and pleasure, happiness and sorrow. We experience both and we make the best of each. With pain comes pleasure, with pleasure comes pain, the cycle is constant and real.
  9. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    LMAO look at your avatar and the writing you did. Anyways some things can be bad and some can be happy so life is not pain my friend.
  10. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    that's my thots exactly
  11. Rouge Angel92 Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 30, 2006
    Waiting for my heart to heal
    I agree. I mean there can always be darkness or light in someone's life. It's a mix. Just sometimes there maybe more unhappiness and pain in one person's life than another's, but there's always moments of happiness in everyone's life. No matter how small that moment maybe. And those happy moments my friend are what we all seek, but in order to get to some of them we go through our moments of pain and sorrow. It's all apart of life. Death is just when we're released from all of our pain.
  12. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    "The world's made of light and darkness; you can't have one without the other."
    -King Mickey

    Life consists of both. All life gives you hardships, and all life gives you goog things. But, when life throws you a curve, you keep on batting 'till your out!
  13. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥ Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 6, 2007
    In the ocean~ Lol. xD
    Okay, to me, meaning of life = love.
    Ya might say all good things turn out bad? It's actually the opposite. You might know the cheesey phrase "every cloud has a silver lining", yes? Cheesey as it is... It's true. Plus, without pain, there is no happiness. Without happiness, there is no pain. They balance eachother out.
    : )
  14. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    reguardless of pain theres alot of other things
  15. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    I doubt anyone will take your word for it unless you give examples...
  16. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    By saying life = death you're also saying that the only purpose to life is to feel pain.

    That is very flawed, for life has no true goal. Sure, we don't like pain, but that's because it's painful both to the mind and body. If I loved pain I would be dead, and so would everyone else. Also, by your description, it seems as though all of us should love pain. Some pain is awesome, I admit, but other forms of it are not.

    So does dying at the end of your lifetime bring pain upon oneself? Of course it does, you're saying goodbye to everything one last time. That absolutely does not mean we are meant to feel torture and/or feel pain. Just because the cycle of life ends with depression, never means it is meant for it to be that way all the time.

    That's only true if, say, you break up with a guy/girl after a very loving relationship. Love can lead to pain SOMETIMES. However pain almost never leads to love in that same aspect. They are polar opposites.

    EDIT: And -Sharp>, do not post in the intel section unless it is contributing. That was spam. :/
  17. hikki_kairi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 7, 2006
    inside my dark heart
    Life = pain, I agree.

    One of life's goal is to be happy but no one can attain it by just crossing the road. Hardships. that cause pain, come and go because their purpose is to balance the concept of pain and happiness. The more pain we go through; the more we get closer to obtaining happiness. Pain is something that leads us closer to our life's purpose.
  18. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    I'm guessing, Hikki, bvy pain you mean work, relationships, things like that. Well, you can choose wether or not to enjoy the hard work one goes through to attain happiness. I know that when I'm making a sig, I enjoy it a lot more when I'm making it then when it's done. It's losers who think everything is pain that slack off on things like work and just give up. They think no matter what they do they won't be happy, so they don't try. And if you live like that, of course all you're ever gonna feel is pain.
  19. Axel Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Partying, making tags and Staring at the Sun.
    I definatly am not of the same opinion.
    Um..I thought there was another thread about this anyways in which I said my opinion...?
  20. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    If I have learned anything, Pain doesn't exist. Well physical there can be, I just choose to show little of it, as for Emotional, no, if something happens I dont like or is in my control, oh well. I learned to ignore it at a young age so I do the same now, there is no point in dwelling on things that cause pain, because it will create more inside you. I let things go almost the second it happens and dont look back.
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