Grades are falling to my feet Need to work harder if I wanna get into a good College Life goes around to fast I get home, list of chores to do, Friends call want to go o some stuff Can't Life works you too hard Parent's come home 11:00PM Homework not finished being yelled at for something they think I did Life doesn't work around you I think I'll wear black tomorrow Nope, people will think it's to emo for my look. Made fun of all day Life goes slow today Talk about piercing Do it yourself It's easy, You think that was wrong and you got something you think you wouldn't get Big mistake Boyfriend calls up Need to talk about last night Couldn't go, Parents I'm not good enough for him, so he leaves The good the bad Can't handle what I go threw anymore, Life comes to me so fast But at the wrong time Couldn't work the right way Nothing to really do Maybe it'll get easier? Hope not Friends don't care, I don't care, Nobody cares I think I can handle it a few more years. Before time pases me by. >> <<
Oh, wow... This poem is exellent! :) However, it doesn't seem to be very fluent... try making the words sort of flow together? Other than that, it's wonderful ^^ And I had no idea you were feeling this way... O_o I know what you mean, though... Being a teenager is hard and life comes at you way to fast for you to handle... But I'm sure you can get through it... And your friends DO care... *hugs* :)
Yeah I know, This is the lostest but ******ed poem i've ever done! xD All my other ones sound good though. xD
All and all, it's not so bad. Like Destiny said, try to make the words flow better. I'd also check the spelling; some of these words don't fit correctly (replace 'threw' with 'through', etc.). Ah, the life of a teen. I know that story all too well...I can tell you it gets easier after high school, if that helps.