life is no good right now....

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Johnny Bravo, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    so yea, I havent been online as much, I tore something in my kneecap, so I got crutches for that and then had an MRI it was so bad, then I asked a girl I really like out and she said no, we are better off as friends so that made me sad, then the topper is that my friend was at school on Friday and had all the symptoms for Swine flu and now yesterday and today me and my best friend feel sick!!! GAH!!! sorry, had to vent
  2. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    Well we all get our bad rejections...Just do what she says and stay friends (for the time being) get closer to her and it should all work out. Also most kinds of flu have the exact symptoms as swine do many other diseases you could just be...ill...down with something really common and stupid...Not really much you can do about the knee-cap other than rest it, and hope it heals quicky lol xD. Well I hope it all works out for y'all