I was in high school when I heard about this book. A teacher was reading it to her class and one of my friends at the time did a report on the book after listening to her reading it. I am a huge history buff so I special ordered it at a bookstore and picked it up. Despite it being graphic, it shows a side of history rarely covered in textbooks. The author: A college professor who spent several years researching the book, went through 13 high school history books and made a book on what actually happened in various parts of history. Covering from Columbus finding America, to the dropping of the atomic bombs and later, it brings out the sides of history that is rarely covered in school. Facts about Lincoln being at least neutral to even pro slavery during the Civil War until later in the war, facts about Helen Keller supporting Communism, facts about Woodrow Wilson being extremely anti-feminist and so much more. I recommend it to anyone who's a history buff. I do warn you: It is a brutal read a few of the times, but it is also fascinating and great for anyone who loves history. Anyone else read it?
I actually had to read this for my APUSH summer assignment last year (along with The Greatest Generation). While I thought it was a bit dull at times, it did open my eyes to how much history has been watered down over decades of subtle censorship. Books have been fixed since then to be more accurate, but I'm sure the problem still exists in books today.