Lexamus' RPG Battle Arena!!!! This is the Ultimate RPG Battle Arena!!!!! 2,4,or 6 people fight!!!! U have these options: Attack: Attack- -20 HP Magic: Fire- -40 HP Blizzard- -40 HP Thunder- -40 HP Cure- +100 HP Protect- The selected is protected of 1 attack Items: Potion- +40 HP Ether- +40 MP Pheonix Down- A partner is revived Limit: U can choose the name of Ur limit- -200 HP Rules: -I control lvling up and stuff -Everyone starts with 300 HP 200Mp 23 Speed and Limit Bar 0 -U can only limit if U wait for 7 turns and If MP is at least 100 -Each magic attack drains 10 MP -Limits drain all MP.... -U also have to include pictures during Ur battles to show what attacks Ur using.... -when Ur Battling U must show Ur current stats like this... HP=???? MP=????
alright first set up Ur stats..... Hp=300 MP=200 and then U attack like this.... Attack-Attack and magic spells like this.... Magic-fire and items like this.... Items-potion and limits( U need to wait for 7 turns....) Limit-U can name Ur limit..... Lastly U can only do 1 thing each turn understand? Wanna Battle Akua?
You need to say that we must include pictures of the attacks we declare and the spells we cast too. Otherwise this isn't gonna be any fun at all... Sorry, but it'll be pretty boring if all we do is go like: I Attack!, I cast Fire!, I cast Blizzard!, I cast Thunder! I use a Potion! etc. in every post without even including the pictures... Sorry dude, but I doubt anybody is gonna want to try this unless you make some modifications...:nono: