"Cabbages are so nasty! They smell and they look so pale and sickly!" "But they can be nice-" "NO THEY CAN'T! They're so grumpy!" "... At least we all take showers." "...Wut." Quoted from a bushel of lettuce leaves from the local grocery store I dunno. I'm an itty bitty bit insane this morning. :'D
*sings to the tune of Savages from Pocahontas* THEY'RE CABBAGES, CABBAGES! (Barely even vegetables!) CABBAGES, CABBAGES! Drive them from our FRIDGE! ... And that's all I can make up on the spot. >>
"Muchacho!" if that is the reference that i think it is then i need to see you again irl just so i can give you a brofist
IT IS. HOLY FLIPPIN SHIZ *brofist* I think my cabbage should run for the 2012 presidential election. In South Africa.[DOUBLEPOST=1349039225][/DOUBLEPOST]
OMFG. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU BRO *brofist* I would totally vote. Totally. EDIT: DAMN YOU SEDGWICK, ABUSING THE STAFF POWERS I CAN NEVER HAVE!!!!1!11!11!!!111!1!!1!!1!!!!69!!!!!11!111!!!