Lets play a game.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by rikuroxs99, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. rikuroxs99 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 29, 2009
    AWESOMEVILLE (a.k.a. wherever i am)
  2. rikusorakairiown Contributor

    Jul 24, 2009
    You have just passed through INFANCY. A brief look at your life up to this time shows the following:

    Your family life has been:
    Positive and nurturing, and as a result, you have begun to form the critical bonds that are important during this phase of life.

    Physically you have been:
    A healthy baby.

    Socially, during this phase in life nothing much is really expected of you. After all, you're still much too young to throw a successful cocktail party, and frankly, anyone who still dribbles on herself probably wouldn't make the ideal dinner guest. However, by now there are some things you should have mastered. Your progress in this area shows:

    You have been the type of child that Mom could trust in department stores.

    Now, regarding your emotional and personality development...

    What a trustworthy little lady you are turning out to be! On the one hand, your trustworthiness is a desired trait. On the other, I am curious about why you don't explore your environment a bit more and get into things a bit.

    For instance, haven't you ever wondered what that zipper on the side of your mother's pillow is for? Well, then, UNZIP it!

    Your Thoughtfulness characteristic really doesn't count for much in this phase of life. Most children often find themselves at the mercy of their whims and impulses. You are allowed to be cranky now. People will tolerate it much better than when you are a teen-ager. Then your whining and carrying on will seem more objectionable.

    One thing about your character that has a tendency to put people off is your aggressiveness. You are the type of baby who likes to pull on loose pieces of clothing, hair and any bulbous fleshy object that comes within your reach. You are going to have to learn the meaning of "make nice."

    That wraps up your status for the very first years of life. I hope you like yourself. If not, you can always try to improve in the years to come. There's plenty of time.
  3. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    Dude...I freaking died.
  4. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    You have just passed through INFANCY. A brief look at your life up to this time shows the following:
    Your family life has been:
    Positive and nurturant, and as a result you have begun to form the critical bonds that are important during this phase of life.

    Physically you have been:
    A healthy baby.

    Socially, during this phase in life, nothing much is really expected of you. After all, you're still much too young to throw a successful cocktail party, and frankly, anyone who still dribbles on himself probably wouldn't make the ideal dinner guest. However, by now there are some things you should have mastered. Your progress in this area shows:

    You have been the type of child that Mom could trust in department stores.

    Now, regarding your emotional and personality development...

    You are a fairly trustworthy little boy, making your share of exploratory excursions into the world of the unknown and forbidden (the bathroom and under the kitchen sink).

    Your folks could trust you in most cases, but when all of the chocolates have one bite taken out of them, it is a fair guess whose teethmarks have made those jagged impressions.

    Your Thoughtfulness characteristic really doesn't count for much in this module. Most children often find themselves at the mercy of their whims and impulses. You are allowed to be cranky now. People will tolerate it much better than when you are a teen-ager. Then your whining and carrying on will seem more objectionable.

    One thing about your character that has a tendency to put people off is your aggressiveness. You are the type of baby who likes to pull on loose pieces of clothing, hair and any bulbous fleshy object that comes within your reach. You are going to have to learn the meaning of "make nice."

    That wraps up your status for the first module. I hope you like yourself. If not, you can always try to improve yourself in the modules to come. There's plenty of time.
  5. Gobolo Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 26, 2009
    The sky
    I was expecting Jigsaw to be all like "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US" in this thread...
    I played alter-ego a couple of times recently, I'm giving it a break so I don't recognize the decisions for a while.
    The highlight of one of my lives was when I tried to get into an arts school after winning a competition for a scholarship there, but my parents were too butthurt to let me go :|
  6. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    You have just passed through MIDDLE ADULTHOOD.

    Your family life has been good.

    During this phase of life your body doesn't always respond the way your mind would like it to. A sore back after a hard day's work or sore feet and legs after a long walk are not uncommon. In general, you are not very healthy.

    Fortunately, you don't have to worry about drugs or alcohol ruining your health.

    Socially you are doing quite well.

    Although you do not have a steady partner at the present time, there's always the next life phase, if that is what you are aiming for. If you are lonely, why not try the RELATIONSHIP ICON. Then again being a confirmed bachelor does have its share of rewards.

    Now, regarding your emotional and personality development...

    You are a very trustworthy person.

    Even though we all have our secrets, you are doing a very good job keeping your wilder side under control.

    You could be somewhat more content with life than you are now, but mostly, things go along pretty smoothly for you.

    You can be sensible and understanding.

    You are usually cool, calm and collected.

    People see you as an extremely wise person. They rely on you often for advice and are pleased with the results they get from interacting with you.

    The next phase of life is full of mixed blessings. You may feel old and lonely some days, and cheerful and strong on others. Our society certainly has its share of prejudices against older folks, but you can have rich and rewarding experiences despite this.

    You will have your chance to thumb your nose at people who think you are too old to live it up a little. After all, you were doing most of these things (and enjoying them) long before these people were toilet trained.

    *plays softball*

    Thank you for playing Alter Ego. You have died.

    I also got rich but managed to let two people die before going in myself, also died alone.
    ...this is kinda depressing >_>
  7. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****

    Man, it makes me a bit depressed. I sure ****ing hope life won't be like that.