Not about a member, just a discussion, because let's face it, calling out a member to be talked about in a thread whether it be good or bad things is just plain awkward for them. I'll start~ Kids television today is awful, I'm not sure if i'm just getting older and smarter, or if t.v producers are getting dumber, but it seems to me, that all I see, is loud noises and bright colours on t.v, like excessively bright and loud, obnoxious in a sense. Ever sat through 5 minutes of Dora the Explorer? Jesus that girl yells out every sentence she says, someone has to teach that girl volume control.
Does this go in the discussion section ?o.o Unless its not a serious discussion.. Anyway, I was born late late 90s, so I watched two stupid dogs, Dora, blues clues, bear big blue house, 64 zoo lane, all that, Ren and Stimpy, angry beavers, the Amanda show, rugrats, invader zim, and lazy town. Those were all cool to me. But I hate bubble guppies and team umizoomi. Like wth is that all about ? It's very creepy IMO.
Right now, I have two contenders for worst film of 2012: "Act of Valor" or "A Thousand Words". Trust me, both of these films are terrible and have a special place reserved in flim-making Hell, but I can't figure out which is the worst. They both have horrible directing and writing, and were just unenjoyable. With "Act of Valor", they used real Navy SEALS, so things like acting, character motivations, and developement meant nothing to the film makers. "A Thousand Words" was suppose to have good actors though, but it was obvious that no one gave a damn. The only thing I can ask about these two films is: If no one gave a damn and no one tried, why the hell were they made and released in theaters? Well, that answer is pretty obvious: Money.
I hold judgement since I haven't seen it, but I don't think it can amount to the abortions to film making I had to witness.
The cultural sensibility is different nowadays. It's kind of like the culture as a whole has a different sense of humor and style than it once did. Older cartoons were frequently either based around slapstick humor or getting **** past the radar. Now I see that most people are depending on either dumb wit or its ******ed cousin, stupid ****. As for Dora the Explorer. It's just not a well thought out show. It's supposed to expand kid's Spanish vocabulary and keep them occupied for twenty minutes and that's about all. It's just a poorly executed example of educational television for the 8- crowd rather than a reflection of modern television as a whole.
Each generation of humans is becoming increasingly stupid, and losing common sense as well. I have seen a movie that exhibits my belief of what America will one day turn into. I'm serious. For any of you people who have seen this movie, this will happen. Maybe even in our lifetime.
People aren't getting stupider. We've always been about this stupid. How do you think the stupid genes got here? Overall, humans weren't built to cope with this kind of reality. We still have instincts and vestiges of our more primitive past that make us less well equipped to act as logical and rational beings. But that's not really my point. My point is that Idiocracy was about how we feel things must be going when we see what we dislike. But there are always doomsayers, idiots, murderers, megalomaniacs, crazy folk and general nuisances to society that are allowed to take power. Caligula put his horse in the senate. Do you see any horses in our senates? No. This world isn't going to go to hell unless you let it. Ignorance can be cured and stupidity can be risen above. If anything, we are poised now to make our greatest and perhaps first steps forward, towards a smarter, better humanity. We are the race that went from biplanes to spaceships in about 60 years. We are the race that built the LHC. We aren't that bad, us humans.