Amaury . . . I can't do this . . . *cries* . . . You need to stop . . . stalking . . . it's just . . . not healthy *breaks down in tears*
Amaury. You need to end No Staff Online. Fans have been waiting for the grand finale for months. You just keep the story going, look at where it is now! It's in the XXX's! Amaury, it's time to finish what you started. Bring No Staff Online to it's conclusion before the fans disband.
That reminds me, I recently rewatched Tron Legacy for the first time since I saw it in theaters and loved it. I don't remember it exactly, but the line about Sam messing up Kevin's zen thing was great.
The only way to cure Amaury of his staff obsession is to make him staff. Then we will watch as his dreams are shattered but the taint of reality that is staff. It wouldn't be long till he shared their views on forum issues... Spoiler
Kitty, you're so devious. However, I doubt that would snuff out his obsession. He'd simply move on to, "I'm the only Staff online" instead.