Let's discuss weird dreams we've had

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by MadDoctorMaddie, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    So last night I was dreaming, and basically I was Katniss in the Quarter Quell Hunger Games. Except the arena was more of a high-tech, multi floor lab. And the contestants weren't really trying to kill each other, in fact, Johanna and I staged a very elaborate rescue of Finnick. Like, he was dangling in a cage over lava and what looked like coleslaw and apparently it was less dangerous to hop over the lava and burning hot stones than the coleslaw so that's what we did, and we rescued him and got back to the regular lab area. But then a bunch of guards appeared except they were rhinos? And we had to scramble for weapons cause apparently they weren't allowed in these games, but we found some cool knives and kicked the rhino/guards' asses. But then I somehow tripped out of a window and woke up.

    tl:dr. Don't let me take Nyquil before I go to sleep.
  2. Anixe Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 28, 2007
    Dim Sum Palace
    I dreamed... I dreamed I was a pancake. And a small panda bit me. I didn't like it. :c
  3. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    Oh good, I've had some crazy dreams recently.

    The other night I dreamed that on graduation day my school was invaded by aliens because apparently one of our graduates (not a real person, in fact none of these people were real) was an alien and they had come to take her home. Somehow I had developed feelings for this person and organized a group to invade their ship and take her back. Right before we did this Luffy showed up and used Gear Third to crush their ship. Unfortunately, the girl was still on the ship and was on the verge of death when our group found her. Before we could escape the ship she died and I was sad. A lot of people died that day. Me and a few of the survivors flew away above the wreckage of their ship and the remains of the school. As we flew off into the sky I reflected on the events of that day and the next thing I knew I was in a bedroom of my grandmother's old house (wtf, right?) and there I experienced the events of the day as a person who was not there to experience it first hand.

    The day after that I had a dream that my family was in an area touring an old hospital that had been renovated into a pool (I have no idea) when the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami hit. We were vacationing with my dads side of the family and as we were trying to escape the building my dad and I got separated from our family. We were running down hallways trying to find our way out and trying to outrun the water as it overtook the building. Among the other people evacuating the building was Leech from X-Men 3. He was evacuating in a single-file line with other children close to his age and was noticeably paler than in the movie. Eventually we found our way out of the building, but as we did the building was destroyed by the water.

    Last night I dreamed that me and three other people had come to Earth from a distant planet and were posing as fisherman (totally not influenced by Man of Steel) and had 00 Gundams with us (Exia and Dynames for those who care). We were docked at a small island which we believed to be abandoned (we were trying to go unnoticed). However, not far from where we landed there was an oil rig. This caused us to panic for some reason. As night fell one of the people called us over to the front of the boat to look at something weird that was happening on the island. There was fire shooting out of a volcano and in the fire we could see a figure that looked somewhat like Rayquaza (though in the dream we didn't know what it was). We watched it fly out of the volcano and land on the island. It was much smaller than Rayquaza, and seemed to grow four legs. We watched it attack and kill animals, and then it went into the ocean, it had become amphibious. We were scared that it would come for our boat. It did. As it started to climb up onto our boat it had once again changed shape, but this time into a Ryu Dragon from DDD, and it was completely black. It started to attack someone on the boat but I ran over and grabbed it off of them, got it in a head lock of sorts, and started punching its side before I threw it off the boat. Once I had thrown it off I ran to find a Gundam to get into so I could kill it. I couldn't find one. I ran to the person in charge of our group and she told me that it was on top of the front cabin (don't ask me how I didn't see this, I just didn't). I climbed up there and went into the room where it was being stored and got into it. By this time the creature had multiplied and we figured that fighting would end in us losing, so we took the Gundams and fled. We landed in some extremely futuristic Indian/Japanese city where in order to get in you had to walk under/through this cloth that was set according to your height. If you couldn't make it through you had to consult one of the supervisors and they would tell you what to do. So the four of us went to one of them. When we got there the person started questioning us and assumed that we were there to cause trouble. I tried to convince this person that we were only there with the best intentions and that we had nothing but respect for these people. As I was speaking she handed us a textbook and said that if we couldn't get through the gate we had to take a P.E. class that involved volleyball. Upon hearing this I became furious and ran away leaving my comrades behind. I met up with two of my cousins and their father at a restaurant and that was the end of the dream.
  4. Odamadillo Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 6, 2008
    Here, there and everywhere.
    Weird dreams? Where do I begin? Tell you what I will let you decide which ones I tell you the list of themes are below.
    Kingom Hearts
    Doctor Who
    Death Note
  5. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    My weirdest dreams always happen when I sleep listening to lounge singers... Ol' Blue Eyes apparently leads to LSD type dreams.

    On the subject, has anyone here ever had a lucid dream? I did once by accident and it wore me the heck out. It was like I didn't sleep at all mentally.
  6. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    I once had a dream that. I was falling, and turned into a bagel with a parachute, that landed in a fat guys mouth, and then the fat guy exploded.
  7. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Ok, this probably wouldn't even rate compared to some of the shit I dream about, but I personally find it to be the weirdest thing in my life.

    I keep dreaming that I have two rooms. That I live in the same house, which is otherwise normal except for the presence of a second room above mine which also belongs to me. It's a much nicer room, with pretty wallpaper and a big fluffy bed, and an attached vanity and bathroom same as the room I've got now. I even have another TV and entertainment center in there, which are also better than my standard set-up. And that's saying a lot, because I have a nice set-up as it is. In most of my dreams I ignore the existence of the room unless something prompts me to move up there, which makes me think it's symbolic of my extreme laziness or resistance to change, or some noise like that. But what's weird to me is that I've had this dream so many times that I actually forget whether the room exists or not. Just this morning I had to step outside to check.
  8. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    I dreamed that I found a kitten and I called it 'kitten'.
  9. Railos Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 25, 2012
    I dreamed that I was in my grandmother's wedding once, then a giant octopus thing attacked, and grabbed my grandmother.