No Thanks Let premiums post in the Staff section!

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by P, Aug 16, 2008.

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  1. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Well, sort of. By staff section, I mean the staff introduction section. And only post, not create threads.

    I think this is a good idea, because it means that the premiums, who have obviously been here a while, can comment on the staff in the threads. These threads will not be overrun, as normal members will be unable to post in them.


    Time for another suggestion.

    Let premiums view the staff section! (As in the hidden staff forum) I think that this could be a valued premium concept, as they could see the staff at work. Just another bonus for having 1000 posts. It cannot hurt, right? And the mods obviously have nothing to fear, as they wouldn't be treating the area like a third spamzone, now would they?

    I hope that these two suggestions are taken into consideration.
    (And for the love of god, actually accept one of my ideas!)
  2. Something_Epic Banned

    Jul 19, 2008
    In front of you!
    Uh... What would be the point?

    And about being able to view the staff section, you do know that the staff discusses secret things that nobody else are supposed to see, right?

    I say no...
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Ebil staff. For all we know, they might already have BBS AND 358/2 days, and what they're doing on there is talking about the NEXT kingdom hearts...........(switches glances back and forth as if paranoid)

    Besides, what is that difference gonna make? They are staff. They dictate, and they rule. They shall not give in to such a feeble suggestion!
  4. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Hang on...i know i've been gone for 3 weeks but i don't remember being told that premiums are now part of staff? Hmm did I miss that meeting?

    Staff section = section for staff = no one not staff

    Premium section = sections for premiums and staff because you can't obviously have a whole section no staff can see = not for normal members.
  5. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I can promise you now there are no conspiracies going on in staff. We don't have BBS or new games, and it's kept a secret for a REASON. Absolutely not to the second suggestion.

    First, prems aren't staff, so welcoming to staff would be kinda unnecessary. And it would probably get spammy in the welcome thread. I'm neutral-ish on this, but leaning more towards no.
  6. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007

    I don't really see the point, premium/normal members can just welcome staff with a thread on Spam Zone,like we always do.

    Post in Staff to congratulate them..make a congrats thread on SZ to congratulate them.. same shit.

    And as for members watch the hidden staff section..we all know they're going to say no.
  7. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Hmm, well, the idea for the prems to view the staff's business isn't really such a good idea. If this would happen, then I can't help but think that nothing less of utter chaos would occur. It's secret for a reason anyway.

    And as for the being able to post in the staff section, I don't think it'd be a great idea. It'd be spammy and it'd lose the whole purpose of staff welcoming the new staff member when they're prems who aren't even staff welcoming them. That's what the Spam Zone is for, after all.
  8. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    This -could- work. But it is a staff section for a reason.

    I'll see what other staffers say. lol
    Can't do it. A lot of stuff goes on in there that if people saw would spoil for the entire forum. It isn't a worthy chance to take, imo. =/
  9. Repliku Chaser

    The staff introduction section is what it is, an area where staff posts a bit about themselves so that members can know some things about them. If it went open to Premiums to post in, I don't really see anything so wrong with that as long as they could only post replies to the threads. I can see why though others won't want this as it might just collect a bunch of spam. I'm not really against the thought though. As others pointed out though, often they post things in the Spam Zone so it isn't 'needed', but again, I'm not totally against it.

    As for the second suggestion, I'd have to say a strong no to. As other members have already pointed out, there is no reason to allow such a thing. The staff discuss things that pertain to the site, it's upkeep, dealing with users that cause problems and going over suggestions and complaints members have that they may want kept in private. Changes can be viewed that get approved around the site to include this area, Forum News and just going to read the rules or announcements in each section. Members who bring up things and expect them private as well as just staff talking out things such as security issues don't really have any reason at all to be public for Premiums. The area is for work and when we get done with what we have to do, staff also isn't hanging around there and we become regular members like anyone else when we don't have to 'do the job'.

    So 'maybe to yes' is my choice on the first thing. The second though, I would say absolutely not as there just is no reason for Premiums to be there at all.
  10. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Plus, if the private staff area was open, not only would thinks leak constantly, but eventually it would be an open discussion where everyone will want to discuss things that we're deciding for the site, whether it be via spam zone or another option like IM. Not that it would be -bad-, necessarily, but that would mean staff wouldn't have much of a reason to do their job anymore, as Repliku pointed out.
  11. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    Oh lol. This is a big no with a capital N. You're just askin' for trouble if this was allowed. It's the Staff section, so why should prems be allowed? We aren't staff. If we have a problem or see one we can report to the staff. The staff can handle it. Besides, the staff like to talk 'bout the members (don't deny it. ;P). Prems would just gossip.
  12. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Oh yeah, these are wonderful ideas.

    Firstly, why do we keep the staff section secret? We talk about important things in there, things that if they were suited for the member's eyes, we would have posted them in Forum News. Say we were making huge exciting changes to the site and we wanted to surprise you. It would kill it. Say we got a threat to hack the site. That would cause a huge site-wide panic. Say we were considering you for staff, and we were, as always, blunt, and sometimes rather rude in our answers. There's a reason that we do these things. It's the staff section, not the lol-look-premiums-here-so-you-can-read-about-stuff-that-isn't-for-your-eyes-so-then-you-could-act-cool-to-all-your-friends. No with a double bold underline.

    As for the posting in the staff thread... Are you guys really this bored? all that it's there for is so that you can better know your staff and we can exchange congratulations between each other. As Tootsie said, if you really want to, just do it in the Spam Zone or by PM or something.
  13. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    The staff section is hidden to staff only for a reason. You want to see what goes on there, become staff. That will be the only way you'll be able to see what is going on there. If the Staff meant for Premium to see it they would have programmed it that way. But they obviously didn't. So I say no to that one.

    Also for Premiums posting in Staff intro threads. No again. Why? Same reason Repliku said. It will be just like the regular introduction threads are if they're unmoderated, they'll get spammed up with the same posts again and again. We'll just make threads in the Spam Zone congratulating the member who gets staff, like we always do.
  14. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Terrible suggestions... I'd rant about it, but it would be a repeat of what has been said. Closing this now.
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