Let me ask you something

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    If a girl says that she gets tired of a guys whining about being friend-zoned and than a guy such as myself says that its different for guys and it would be hard for girls to understand.
    Does this deserve a "you're just butt hurt" from that girl? Someone you've called a friend for 5 years deserves to say that? You yourself have not said anything rude during the discussion to this person. Is that right?
  2. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    In my experience girls keep complaining when boys don' t share their feelings, but the second they do they' re viewed as sissies. Better be laconic about it and keep' em on their toes to know a bit more, revealing all there is to see behind the curtains just shatters their illusions.
    I' ll PM you a vid (I' d rather not post it here, too much sex talk).
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    The entire concept of "friendzoning" can be a little offensive. It's placing blame upon the girl for having platonic feelings towards you. It's no fun being rejected / told that your feelings are not returned, at least not in that manner, but it's also not fun feeling guilty for doing so. It implies, number one, that there's something wrong with the girl for not submitting to your will, or that there's something wrong with her desiring to retain your friendship even after a confession.

    If a guy is complaining excessively about it, it can get annoying, just as any excessive complaining can. Her complaining in return doesn't make much sense, but everybody complains.

    ( also just tossing it out there but saying anything along the lines of "you're a girl so you wouldn't understand" is... no. At least try to explain it, help her understand if you fear she's made some sort of social gaffe. Further, girls are just as susceptible to friendzoning, or at least, not having their affection returned )

    It sounds like a rather inconsequential exchange between the two of you, though. I wouldn't worry much about it. If you want to explain to her why you may have seemed defensive about the matter that's one thing, but it might be best to just let it pass.
  4. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I wouldn't say either person was right in this situation, as it appears that neither person understands the other persons situation enough to make an accurate judgement. From what I've seen and heard "friendzoning" is due to not only a lack of mutual affection, but also a lack of communication. In order for both people to understand the other and better understand the situation, communication is key.
    Sit down, put all your feelings on the table and sort them out together, both of you should reach an understanding so you can keep living without any confusion and without either person looking down on the other for not understanding them.
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    May just be a simple lash out from her confused feeligs on the matter, but it's nothing extreme enough to warrant feeling bad about, unless this is a running thing.
    Either way it'd just be helpful for both of you if you bring this subject up again for bohnof you to explian and raionalise your opinions instead of sounding both a bit biased and uncaring of the others opinion on the matter.

    Good luck though.
  6. CaptainMIG Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 4, 2011
    the wii u
    well that depends on your feelings about that but she might have a point i mean usually when we men hang out with women we are consider pimps and they were consider prostitutes maybe she was just piss that males always get what they want and expects to have a title of it while the girls just get used a lot so tell her why does she think that and see what you can do

    additional: are you trying to ask her out? cause this look like those post where you want ask a girl out but can't.
  7. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009

    It's honestly just to take a rejection as just that: the person just does not want to move to that level of intimacy in your current relationship. Friendzoning just gives off the implication that the friendship you've had before isn't really good enough, and all those fun memories/etc. you've previously had are all invalidated because the other person does not want to call you their boy/girlfriend.

    However, that also doesn't warrant excessive complaining on either side about it. I also agree with PaW that you two should just sit down and talk it out a bit longer, and if no headway is made it's just a topic you two simply can't agree on. A lot of friends have a few things they just don't agree on, and that's perfectly fine for a friendship. As long as you two at least attempt and make an effort to try and understand each other's view, everything will be fine.
  8. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    I don't know how much I can stress how true this is.

    I for one, have been friend-zoned, but I have also friend-zoned a few guys. My reason? Yes it hurts like hell to get friend-zoned, but at the end of the day you can't expect a girl to say yes when she doesn't like you that way. If she doesn't like you and she says yes then its a pity date and you're gonna end up hurting yourself a lot more. When guys constantly whine about being friend-zoned, it makes the girl feel bad about that one time she said no to this really nice guy that she wanted to keep as a friend because she didn't like him in a way that would start a relationship. It makes her feel like by saying no she did something wrong, even if she wants to stay friends.
    Actually, I hate it when guys whine about being friend-zoned, but its because guys don't understand the benefits of the friend-zone. If you said 'it would be hard for girls to understand' then she probably got pretty offended, and her worked up lead to 'you're just butthurt.' But dude I wouldn't worry about it. So what if its one thing you guys don't agree on? No big deal, trust me ;)
  9. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    No, she lefts a status on Facebook saying that all guys need to get over being friendzoned.
    I simply disagreed with her and than she flips **** on me. Starts saying that I'm "butthurt", I'm not, its been about 2 years since I was last friendzoned and I still remember the feeling of it. I'm over the girl now and I'm with someone else who I can honestly say makes me more happy than what she would do.
    I don't understand why women have to be so ignorant about guys and guys have to be so ignorant about women.
    I just want to see the day when men and women can think exactly like one another and understand each other despite what's between their legs.
  10. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    This is why you shouldn't say things like "you wouldn't understand because you're a girl."
    Women don't always understand women, men don't always understand men. People are complex beings, etc. There's no way to ever understand someone without communicating. Your friend wasn't right for posting the status but, in my experience, it's usually better to just ignore Facebook statuses of that sort.