The title says it all, and I know they are Legend of Zelda fans in! So, chose your favorite! But not to show favortism, but I LOVE Twilight Princess! Orcirana of Time was kinda.... weird, with the jumping for present, to future, with clay zombies jumping at you. CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITES MY DUCKLETS!
agreed, cause the graphics were WAY better, and Link (dare I say it) looked WAY cuter as a 17 year old, then a little guy jumping around the world.... not even old enough to own a sword...
honestly...i never played OoT till after i bought the wii and bought it VC style....and I greatly like Twilight but it's kind of hard to compare both games because in their day and age, they were the best they could be, it's kind of like saying which Egyptian Pyramid was better you know? So I choose to remain neutral, but leaning towards Twilight.
Twilight Princess... because Midna is cooler than Navi. Need I say more... graphics has nothing to do with it.
Twilight Princess. 1) I've actually played it. 2) Better graphics and gameplay. (based on what I've seen/experienced)
Yeah... Ocraina of Time is overated in my opinion. It had almost no challenge. Puzzles were little more than delaying and time consuming, not challenging. And combat was TOO easy. I think Link to the past is funner. Boss battles were really tough, some puzzles left my like "What?" for a while, but I eventually figured everything else. But Twilight Princess tops them all. The combat system felt more like a fighting game than a adventure. I mean, look at how advanced the fighting system is fighting from Epona? Its awesome. And the puzzles were extreamly difficult. Look at the secret Ice Cavern. Now... need I mention the secret Cave of Trials?? That was super hard combat. This game was the best by far.
This isn't a competition, it's a matter of opinion. Moved. As for my favourite of the two, OoT hands down. Don't get me wrong, TP is an amazing game, one of my favourites ever, but it never left the same impression i got from playing OoT. Now, i played OoT when it first came out, like 10 years ago now, and i still love to go back and play it. OoT was the game that set the current Zelda standards and i've felt nothin' has ever outdone what OoT did. TP came pretty damn close though. That was a fab game, that is true.
Ocarina of time had a much more epic feel to the progression of the story in my opinion. Twilight Princess had it's moments, but they were spaced too far apart for my liking. Game play definitely goes to TP though.
I was under the impression that this was a matter of the 3D Zeldas, otherwise Link's Awakening and ALttP would be on the list as well.
OoT FTW. It was much harder and longer then TP and to me it seemed that TP had no sense of epic danger. What I mean is that in OoT theres a whole shitload of things going on, Zora's are being eaten Gorons are starving and to top it off, ganon's up to no good. In TP that sense is not really there, everything just seems to peaceful.
Ocarina of Time had a much deeper storyline than Twilight Princess and it also seemed to me a little more difficult, which is a good thing. But when it comes to gameplay and controls Twilight Princess wins that hands down. I'm going to have to say Twilight Princess barely comes ahead of Ocarina of Time, for me.
Ocarina of Time zelda is like star wars OoT is Empire Strikes Back- Amazing, Great Story with twists, TP is Revenge of the Sith- Great Technology, not as good as some of the others, but I still enjoyed it