Would've called it Blind Nigga Cat but I can't bypass the censor in thread titles Remember my blind cat that can find his way up and down the stairs repeatedly without hurting himself and can also zero in on his food bowl from anywhere in the house? No? Shut up Nova's telling a story Well these days, when the folks are off on vacation or whatever, he likes to spend most of his time (which is code for "will not stop wailing like a fucking crow until I let him") in my room. This is my room. How does he get around without breaking his neck Not pictured: the blind cat. That one on the bean bag there is the fat cat.
I see that PS3. And your setup is gorgeous. But I came here for that badass cat, and all I got was a shiny Garfield. Sforz, I am disappoint...
Thank you :> It was a lot less gorgeous a few days ago when I had about seven systems plugged in and strewn everywhere but I yanked 'em all up to see if removing all those live wires would improve my PSN connection It didn't BEHOLD... Scat Cat, the Blind Ninja Layabout ♪ Cat 2 Street