
Discussion in 'Archives' started by Thebazilly, Nov 14, 2007.

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  1. Thebazilly King's Apprentice

    Aug 17, 2007
    *Throws dart at map.*
    Well, I had a sudden strike of inspiration. Very, very short AkuRoku piece. More platonic than anything, because that's how I veiw AkuRoku. It's loosely based on the scene where Roxas is fleeing the Organization and is confronted by Axel. It's not perfect, and I'm not writing any more on it than this bit.

    Read and critique please.


    Axel stepped out of the shadows cast by the neon signs of the World that Never Was.

    “You can’t leave the Organization, Roxas. They’ll tear you apart.â€

    “The more I think about it, the more I have to know, Axel.†Roxas replied, his back turned to Axel. He had been in mid-flight when the other man had found him. “I wield the Keyblade. I have to know why. Who I was. Besides, no one would miss me.â€

    “You know that’s not true, Roxas. I may not have a heart, but I sure do know what it’s like to have it torn out.â€

    “We both know that there’s no heart in you to rip out.â€

    Axel leaned back against the gray bricks of an empty building. “No, and you have no heart to follow to your past. But somehow, we both do. Strange, isn’t it? We both found what the whole Organization has been searching for, through nothing more than each other.â€

    “No, Axel. Quit fooling yourself. And quit talking to me. I’m leaving the Organization. And that’s final.â€

    Axel’s bright green eyes searched for a clue in Roxas’ back. “No, you’re just denying it. Trying to justify leaving in your mind. You know how the rest of them are, Roxas. You know you can’t leave me here. You know what my job in the Organization is. And you know that the Superior won’t let you get away with running off. Not when you wield the Keyblade.â€

    “You’re not thinking right, Axel. Think with your brain, not whatever ‘heart’ you may or may not have. I have to go, because I wield the Keyblade, not in spite of it. And I need to know why.â€

    “When you leave, I’ll lose the ‘heart’ you’ve given me. And I’ll only have memories.â€

    “At least you have those!†Roxas whipped around, tears forming in his blue eyes. He was surprised to see Axel standing directly in front of him. He had been several feet away. Axel looked down at Roxas solemnly.

    “You can’t leave.â€

    “I have to.†Roxas turned again, walking briskly away from Axel. This time, bright green eyes filled with tears.


    A lot better than my attempt at humor, huh? Be harsh. I can take it. I might write a Sora/Kairi piece like this later. Except less angsty.
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