
Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by SnoofyXChristhor, Apr 4, 2008.

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  1. Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says:
    Iliek beanz says:
    hallo thar
    Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says:
    Iliek beanz says:
    foruming, you
    Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says:
    being boreed
    Iliek beanz says:
    Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says:
    ye u no what i mean
    Iliek beanz says:
    yes, you know what I mean.*
    Iliek beanz says:
    Work on your GRAMMAR!
    Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says:
    shut up
    Iliek beanz says:
    Shut up.
    Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says:
    i need me nott to steel my specs
    Iliek beanz says:
    I need me not to steel my specs.
    Iliek beanz says:
    also that makes no sense.

    Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says:
    meg always tries to steel them and i told not to to these cos they r new
    Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says:
    dont correct me!!!!!!!!!
    Iliek beanz says:
    Meg always tries to steal them and I told her not to with these because they are new.*
    Iliek beanz says:
    too late.

    Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says:
    stop it its annoying
    Iliek beanz says:
    Stop it, it's annoying
    Iliek beanz says:
    If you want me to stop use correct grammar.

    I liek beanz = Me

    Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way = my friend

    I was lol-ing irl
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