Hello my friends. This is the thread in, hopefully, a long series of threads to be made. Now you may wonder, how does this work? Or more likely, "Isn't there already a version of this?" And I must say, no you maroon! The difference between this and that other "thing" is that there is no prize in this one. See how that one has "Last Person to Post Wins" This one has not. So in reality, you will just try to get the last post, but there will be no reward. However, as someone has to post the next thread if this eventually dies, it will be the very last person to post before the thread gets locked. There will also be a list of winners in the first thread, but this is just as a reference, not as a reward or anything. There are no prizes. So yeah, get your game on, buds.
I support this wholeheartedly and would like to offer my stomach as a thankyou to the thread creator.
Well then, I say, a video of a lovely young lady singing is in order. [video=youtube;ejN9gp-E6OM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejN9gp-E6OM&list=PL8DDCD07B56FBA592&index=5&feature=plcp[/video]