I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. ;D Looks better with border, IMO. There isn't much I can say that's wrong with this tag, but I dislike that inverted double him behind the spirte, and the black smudging there irks me. I like the fading out of the laser. Looks hawt. Text is really ugly. xD
I didn't like the text tbh, either. It fit the style so I went with it. lol And yeah, I'll try fixing that stupid thing behind the sprite. I was trying to give that "blow-back" effect, from when he fires the lazas. ;D Thanks. Will work on that text for sure. >_>; XD
With border ftw =D. Mainly because it covers the parts from the top and bottomost that somehow irks me xD. Eitherways, yeah, text kind of bugs me, but I like how it makes it blend Laserman. I actually kind of like the repeat-thing, mainly how it looks altogheter with the faded laser :3. My only complain actually will be the text, other than that, really nice =D.