Larxene's Love poem..Chapter 1

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Sce13, May 12, 2007.

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  1. Sce13 Banned

    Jan 28, 2007
    In darkness, with Riku
    This is my new Fan Fic! please tell me about my mistakes... :)

    Chapter 1

    Larxene roamed around the castle looking for something to do...She was very bored and all the nobodies weren't home...they had gone to the beach...but Larxene hated going to the beach....
    "Hmm..What to do," she thought... She looked around her room for something to do...All she found was a stack of paper and a pencil...
    She sat down and looked at the paper...thinking of what to do...She thought of a special someone...The guy who made her laugh, who made her smile...the guy she had feelings for...
    "How can I love him...I have no feelings..." she said sadly...She tapped her pencil on the desk in her rom. She's sat down and started writing...She didn't know what she would write...She just...started, and couldn't stop...
    She kept writing and writing...until she heard a big slam downstairs...
    "LARXENE! WE"RE HOME!" Demyx yellled...
    "What are they doing back so early?" she thought...She loked down at the note and shw knew she had to hide it...She folded it and put it in her coat pocket...Demyx burst through the door...
    "Hey Larxene!" He said smiling...She gave a furious look...
    "HOW MANY TIMES DO I GOTTA TELL YOU TO STAY OUTTA MY ROOM!" she yelled loudly. She shoved (hence the word SHOVED) him out of her room and she walked out of the room...Demyx had fell to the floor once she shoved him...
    "What have we kearned?" She asked Demyx...
    "To stay out of your room," he said rubbing his head...
    "Good little Demyx!" she said teasingly.He stood up and walked down the hall...She walked back in her room, shut the door and locked it... Beofre Demyx walked all the way down, he turned around and looked at her door, then saw something in the floor...He ran over, picked it up...then read it....
    He ran down the hall and into Axel's room...
    Larxene looked at the floor, then back at her desk...
    She walked over and reached into her pocket for her poem...It wasn't there...She fretted...She searched her other was missing...
    "Oh no!" she thought...She looked in the floor and througout her room...IT had fallen out...She opened the door and looked on the ground....It wasn't there...
    "DEMYX!" she yelled.... Demyx came out of Axel's room alongside Axel...
    "What do you want?" he asked...She gave him a furious face...
    "What did you do with my poem?" she asked furiously...
    "What poem?" Demyx asked as if he knew nothing....
    "You know what! I dropped it out in the halway and now it's gone!" she yelled...She stared at Axel who was blushing...
    "Did he read it?" she thought... Demyx was staring at LArxene who was staring at Axel...
    "Listen Larxene, I haven't seen your poem and I never will...Just leave us alone," Demyx said...
    Larxene looked at Demyx....For that instant...she believed him... She turned around and walked back into her room...
    "Where could it be?" she asked herself
  2. ThunderOfLarxene Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 2, 2007
    Castle Oblivion
    wow i really liked that, shame it was short, despite that it was so coooool, cant wait to see what happens next
  3. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    Bravo! *claps* I can't wait till' the next chapter! :D GO LARXENE!
  4. Sce13 Banned

    Jan 28, 2007
    In darkness, with Riku
    yeah...I know it was short...I'm not on my big computor, I'm on a laptop right I can't really write fast on it...I'm writing the next one in a few...

    Thanks a bunch
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