Laptops or Books?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Flyn Pnut, Jun 10, 2009.


Laptops or books?

This poll will close on Oct 26, 2036 at 2:27 PM.
  1. Laptops FTW!! Computer nerds rock!!!1!

  2. Ya can't beat a good book!

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  1. Flyn Pnut Banned

    Hi guy,
    Well, me and my friend were debating, I got a laptop for Christmas, I go to school tells her, then she jokingly goes
    Then pulls out a book, ever since then, we debate about it after school. I think that laptops are better for the reasons,
    1. You can read books on laptops anyway
    2. You write books on computers
    3. All the best things to do are on the web
    4. (to my friend) All you do is sit on your laptop all day
    5. Where would you do your homework with out laptops?
    6. For writing, it's quicker to type than to write.

    There are like 1,000,000 other reasons, and you'll know them. So, choose, laptops or books......
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    How the **** can you even put those two against one another?


    Like, what, I can't even think of a way to reply to this to make it intelligent.

    However, if you are just talking basics, then books are clearly better, laptops require electricity to function, they need energy, plus the internet is not part of a laptop, it is something addicitional that can be connected but isn't part of a laptop so that wipes out that argument.

    Books can be handwritten too, some people write faster than they type.

    Laptops are basically just machines that c,an't do ANYTHING and serve no purpose unless they have the energy and connectiosn to other services and settings that allow them to do so.

    I can't remember the last time I wasn't able to read a book because the weather knocked the power out.
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    1. By making a thread about it. Next question.

    2. I can. It was when the sun wasn't out yet. Books require light to read, so I am defining them as solar powered. Assuming you live in a house, you can get electricity, or even go down to the local library/cafe/whatever and use their power. Books are guaranteed to need power through the night too.

    3. Laptops can do so much more. They can be books, manga, movies and most types of video games a few generations old. You also have the internet, which provided you don't live under a rock, is easy enough to get or leech off someone else.

    4. A book is a one to 20 (assuming OCD book reading behaviour) time thing. A computer can viably go on for years, if not decades, provided the internet doesn't end.
  4. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Im not even sure what you mean by "better" :/

    Laptops require energy to run, which is using up electricity, which is only harming out world in the long run. In that sense books are far better.

    I think at this moment in time I appreciate my laptop much more than I do books but in the course of my life books have taught me so much more.

    I could understand if this was a books vs television thread, but these seem a little unrelated xD Its like having a Donuts vs silly string thread.
  5. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I’ll give you that one, books do require light to be read, however it isn’t as easy as you imply to get electricity, sometimes power can be knocked out for days, besides, not everywhere is tolerant of you wandering in and plugging your laptop in. My local library definitely isn’t. Daylight is free.

    I majorly, majorly disagree with this. Whilst you can view/access/play those things on a laptop, they are not OF the laptop. They are not a part of the laptop, they are something additional. Granted you can access a wide range of media on a laptop, but that is when using the laptop as a means to access said media. It isn’t that the laptop itself is those things; therefore the laptop is only useful as a gateway. A book is important in its own right. A book can increase your knowledge or deepen your imagination without having to go through different connections.

    Again, the laptop itself is none of those things, it is not a form of media in its own right, it is a gateway to other media and forms of entertainment, without the internet and without programmes and software it is of a much lower value.

    Also, I have some books which I have read way beyond 20 times. Good books are worth that.
  6. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Actually, I prefer stone tablets.

    To be honest this is like comparing a guitar to a kazoo. Yes, you can play music with both, but...seriously?

    Let's see...internet. It's riddled with copyright infrigments, and can be a true ***** to track down unless you have some kind of law enforcement on your side. For example. How many plagarized things do you think are on there?
    While with books, you actually have to go through a process of copyrighting so that if someone DOES plagarize your work, you can sue them for everything they have. Unlike the internet. A great example of this would be Stephanie Mayer's Midnight Sun fail, where someone posted it online, but no one knows who, so she can't press charges. :v

    Yeah, true. But I'd rather carry a five ounce book than a six pound laptop just to read a damn book.

    You can also handwrite books. It's not uncommon for writers to still do this.

    STOP. Go outside. RIGHT. NOW.

    Wait, how is this an argument for laptops? Sitting on a laptop is kind of pointless. >_>

    How about...a notebook? A lot of teachers don't accept typed homework because of how easy it can be to copypasta stuff off the internet. Half of which can be inaccurate, anyway.

    Not for everyone. Granted, I type relatively fast, but my friends can write waaaay faster than I can typing.

    No, I don't know them. Please list all of them in alphabetical order. : D


    Pika, what are you on? Books are not solar powered. Books are text on paper that you need light to read. They will work just fine if they are not exposed to light for a hundred years.
    However a home powered that is solar powered will not be in great shape after a century of no Sun. : D Laptops are laptops. Manga is text and pictures. Anime is moving pictures. Movies are also moving pictures. Video games are forms of entertainment that can run on a computer.
    I'd like to say that I've tried getting into secure networks, and no, it's not easy if you don't have the access code. So if you live in a place where you have a computer and the ability for WiFi, but not an actual connection, you are screwed and cannot get to the badassery of that is the internet.

    My friend's laptop lasted for a month and then died. Meanwhile, I have books from like 1930 that are still readable.
    And uh
    Just to clear things up

    And for the record I've read books over many, many times, because some books are so great that the internet weeaboos can't touch them with their crappy attempts to make a good story.

  7. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    Maybe he means books on laptops...
    Anyways, I can't read a book on a PC, let alone in a laptop. After an hour or so using a computer, my eyes hurt and I get dizzy. Also laptops can be annoying. My sister's laptop has its cooler fan in the right side of the computer, and whenever I use the mouse my hand gets hot and sweaty. Also, when some hardware of the laptop is broken, you can't replace it just like in normal computers. You also cannot upgrade laptops easily.
    Books on the other hand are suitable for reading for hours, don't make any noise, you can move them anywhere you want without any trouble.
    Also books don't get viruses [​IMG]
    Not a very good reply but oh well it's not the best topic either.
  8. Yukichin Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 26, 2008
    For sheer functionality, I prefer laptops.

    BUUUUUUUUUUT. If you're asking about what I prefer reading on, you can't beat a book. They smell all booky and nice =3 And they're just... a lot better to me, for reading things.
  9. Flurry of dancing flames8 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 20, 2009
    the laws of books

    I completely agree with u man i mean a book is awesome but laptop and computer is awesomer and sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome
    and u cant take that
  10. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    How is this even a valid argument?

    Awesome? A lot of things are. I think KHV can be awesome but is it the best site online? No.
    If you really think about it, there are potentially more problems with a laptop than a book. :/
    Also if you accidentally destroy a book it won't cost you 300 to 1000 dollars to replace it.
  11. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    laptops for sure u can find all da info on books there n tons more. no competition
  12. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    No you can't.

    You find the information on the internet, or with discs like the Encarta series, not on the laptop itself.
  13. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Chances are you live in a house, correct? Additionally, chances are that you have electricity, right? If you don't, you have bigger challenges than reading. (Which requires decent light)

    If you can get something free by using a laptop, that's a quality of a laptop. If you can connect to the internet using a laptop, that's a quality of a laptop. You don't discount these things just because they are unavailable if you happen to live under a rock. Likewise, you need to be able to read to use a book. Discount the internet and the other things a laptop can access and I'll discount education, which most certainly does not come with a book.

    But it can get those things. We don't live in a vacuum. In this world, it is very easy to get decent media, literature, programs, etc, just as it is rather easy to get an internet connection. A gateway is not useless. I'll liken it to education. I'll give you an education to end of high school level, or two grand. The education on its own is useless. The two grand can get you a lot of stuff. But the two grand is just two grand, while the education can get you a job and is a gateway to more cash.
    Care to name any? I'd like some books that are good the 20th time through.

    I can't understand these kids with their new-fangled stone tablets and their paint. In my day we could sit at a stone wall chipping away for days!

    Kazoo doesn't give you blisters. Guitars do. I prefer my fingers intact. (And the mandatory music classes I had to take last year did not supply you with picks!)

    But no. Because while this metaphorical kazoo gives lesser quality of music, it also is a cooking utensil, a car, a pen and a knife. I'll trade music quality for that.

    That's the best bit of the internet. I don't want to publish or produce on it, I want to download and consume. So plagiarism and copyright infringement is a good thing for the everyday user.

    That six pound laptop can store tons of books. My hard-drive is not particularly big at 120 gigs. The average book is under five megabites. Try carrying around that many books.

    Sorry, a pen and paper does not come included with a book (dairies don't count), nor does a book have anything to do with them. The point is that a laptop can process words. A book cannot. Also, I can accept most claims, but I find it difficult to believe that authors send written manuscripts off to editors.

    But it buuurns!

    Sitting in front of a laptop is however, not.

    Notebooks don't include pens. So unless you wish to write in your own blood with a fingernail...

    But can they go back and edit it, moving bits around, then send copies around the world and back it up online? Didn't think so. Also, writing has nothing to do with books. This is a Laptop V.S. Books debate, not a Laptops V.S. Books and other everyday items debate.

    A is for anime.
    B is for Bitching.
    C is for Cave story, the most awesome freeware game in existence.
    D is for Debating.
    E is for Extending knowledge.
    F is for Fanfiction.
    G is for Guides.
    H is for Homework.
    I is for Intelligent discussion.
    J is for Jewtube.
    K is for Kittens.
    L is for Love.
    M is for Music.
    N is for News.
    O is for Outrage.
    P is for Porn.
    Q is for Quirky events.
    R is for Randomness.
    S is for Social networking.
    T is for Television.
    U is for Underage members.
    V is for Ventriloquism.
    W is for Wanking.
    X is for Xenophobia.
    Y is for youtube.
    Z is for Zubats, because they're EVERYWHERE!

    And presumably so will computers. But both require something for usage.

    Again, gateways are still valuable, and breaking into connections isn't that difficult. I'm sure there are a ton of brute force password crackers to be found online.

    Also, running those things on a computer is an aspect of a computer, and a very good one at that. If we introduce a disk with anime on it to a book and to a computer, I know which can do more. Quite often you get that chance to run a movie/watch anime/read manga.

    But how long can that book keep you entertained? I'm talking about entertainment value. Also, my friend's book fell apart after a month too. But generally both outlast their entertainment value.

    Great. I can find those books online! Or I can read weeaboo stories. My choice.
  14. Flyn Pnut Banned

    Basically, she's saying, if she could choose out of a laptop, or a book, she would choose book. Plus, with laptops, you can do many more things, read, watch, write, talk, play, break high scores, and TONS more.

    There are reasons why a book is better, but I reckon a laptop has more..
  15. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    A Book has more information of that time. A Laptop itself can update. But in my opinion, a Book is more informational, instead of traveling into a huge link site, making you get mad at the stupid thing.
    And as Wolfie said, Laptops die. Books don't really. Unless you intentually do something to it.

    But yet, the Internet is something that was invented to HELP the computer. It doesn't define it fully.
  16. Flyn Pnut Banned

    A book isn't more informational.
    There are different types of books, non-fiction books give information, but generally, you could find that information, in 2 seconds on a laptop.
    So, laptops are more informational.
  17. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    Laptops FTW! I'm using one right now!
  18. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Where do you think the internet got all the information from? :v

    You know some information is VERY hard to find online? I had to do an oral history report, and I could not find ANY information online about it. I checked almost every site that came up on the first few pages of Dogpile, and I still ended up going to the library and finding about five books directly related to my subject.

    LAPTOPS themselves don't have the information written into the system.
    Also if Wikipedia is used as a reference for information in this debate I'm going to beat you with a stick.
  19. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    You wanna bet, honey? An encyclopedia has more information, it's more accurate. Wikipeida, has Lies. It might be faster, but you won't get your facts as right.

    You must have a super computer, because my computer can't even load the homepage in that short of time. Maybe 5 Seconds.

    No. Just no.
  20. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    I chose books for a simple reason. I've learned practically everything I know from books, be they non-fiction or even pure sci-fi.

    I've been reading since I was five, and I've become one of the top writers in my entire grade-level, and I'm not a -complete- idiot. Fantasy&Sci-fi have proven to be very useful sources for subjects like philosophy and psychology, since they very often handle the way humans think and humanity itself, and they make interesting examples for discussion about good and evil. Fantasy and historical novels are the main reason reason I passed history in lower grades.

    Sure, I can find stuff about these on the internet, but the articles rarely give the same thrill that books do. So I prefer enjoying myself, while subconsciously learning something.

    1. They usually cost something, and I can borrow books from the library for free.
    If I do find something off the internet for free, it's usually illegal. And I can rarely find books that I like from outside libraries and book stores, my taste differs a bit from the 'mainstream'.

    2. True, but I prefer making first drafts on notebooks, -then- typing it on to a computer. This way I go through the text twice, can easily improve it and correct spelling and grammar.

    3. There are quite a few things to do in real life that the internet can't match. I can't exercise on the internet, and I've always preferred real dating rather than the internet variation.

    5. Hmmm, how about doing homework in to the exercise book, a notebook, even a text-book? My age-group didn't really use a computer for school-work until just a few years ago, we managed fine with our homework. (And let's not even mention older generations.) Even now-a-days I prefer writing my essays by hand, it feels more personal that way, and since I'm the type of guy who leaves everything to the last minute, it's much easier to grab a few pages of paper and scribble something down during recess (I actually write some of my best stuff in a little bit of stress and hurry xD). And trying to find a printer that actually works in my school/home is an absolute nightmare.

    6. Not true, at least in my case. I still write a lot faster by hand, although decrypting my scribbles is a bit time consuming.
    Okay, not entirely true, my handwriting is quite neat compared to some >.<

    Bottom line is: You can learn a lot more while reading a good book, when compared to, oh, let's say watching videos of people hurting themselves, or making an ass out of yourself on some forum, etc, etc.​
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