So, um... I read the rules about what should be posted here and I'm not sure if this really should be here, but it is a current event. Just in my country though. Anyways, Lady Gaga had a concert here yesterday and today if I'm not wrong. God knows why, but as she was having her concert, people were outside rallying about how she is a Satanist. Their "proof" were her songs Alejandro, Judas and another song (I forgot which). Judas I understand, but I don't see anything wrong with Alejandro. Maybe the part where she ate the rosary, which really shouldn't be done but I'm not judging her for that. In any case, I think the people rallying are too... Judgmental? I don't know how to say it without really insulting anyone. I guess they just failed to see the deeper meaning in her songs and immediately thought her to be a Satanist because she was different. /le opinion! Thoughts?
She grew up in a private Christian school I believe, her songs are meant to have some religious meaning to them, and she does what she does because in America (sadly) the only way for someone in the pop industry to get past 2 albums is to be noticed for crazy and unfamiliar things that may frighten people.
-is not used to being called 'baby' ;;;;- I'm so clueless on these things. ;-; Thank you for telling me...! Isn't that what a lot of people need to do to get noticed anywhere? It's a little saddening, imo. But as I recall, she does what she does cause she wants to as well.
People who can be frightened enough by a pop music video that they just assume its singer is of the devil and do something about it are the ones that scare me. Bigots. Bigots with a full broom up their ... woops ...