This might be my best drawing yet. It took four hours to do. Good critique is welcome.
This is the first time i've seen one of your drawings, I like it. Did you also do the flowers and the Japanese text by hand?
Yeah. I found a website where you can look up kanji. I also googled to find the flower design and di them both by hand.
Ahhh! I just noticed good critique just now! DX I already commented on your pic but here's some advice: color. X3 That's it! It would look very nice if colored and umm find out the problem with her mouth. Seems awkward. :/
It's definitely a good drawing, and as you said, probably one of the best ones you've done yet. Some weak points though are the way it's angled: Look at the legs. They seem like they're pointing slightly to the right. The body is facing forward and the head is looking to the left. A person wouldn't naturally stand that awkwardly. Something also seems a bit odd about the face, I can't put my finger on it, perhaps its the way you drew the mouth and how it fits with the eyes & face shape? Don't know. The angles are a big issue, but the rest of the drawing looks good, this is definitely one of your better works. :) Again, I always feel weird CnCing because my scanner is ******ed and i have none of my own art D:
I've been lurking and looking around at your art in the past, and there's one main problem I see in them: proportion. You should read up on some basic rules of it, because a lot of the poses in your drawings look very awkward. There are a few basic rules that you should remember even if you're just sketching, but if you really want to put a lot of time into a particular drawing, definitely look up all the different rules. For example, if the arms are stretched out kind of eagle-spreadly, from one hand to the other should equal the entire height of the person. The height from the waist up should equal the height from the waist down. There are more but I can't remember them lol. Another thing is that you should draw out a very rough sketch of the pose that you plan to do, and then slowly fill it in with detail. If you have to, look in a mirror or get a friend to stand before you in the same pose -- it will help tremendously. The face looks nice, and the flowers are nicely done. From what I can see you're improving. C:
Orange basically has all the major points already said - the angles of her stance was my biggest issue. The arm holding the weapon also seems a bit long, compared to the one that's resting against her side. Otherwise this is actually pretty good, it's just a question of fixing the angles to make her look a bit more natural in terms of posture and it should be fine. EDIT: Disregard this and just listen to Misty <_<;
Your artwork is amazing. Extremely well done. I like the artwork as far as the flower design goes. As for the actual body, it is very accurate with the size of the shurikin compared to Yuffie herself, clothes, and the all around design. 9.5/10 because the facial expression seems a bit off.
its pretty good but her neck looks a bit too thick for her body and her legs look a bit disjointed XD i'd love to see more of your work in the future