What an irrelevant title that is ho ho! Like Santa Claus. Because I'm bored and I'm curious. Imma just going to say as much random stuff as I can now okay? OKAY! This sentence is False! True or false? True...false? Is this even a paradox? A cooly cooly kind of thing. Fooly Cooly! The answer is 0! There are no buses in Genkyoso! baka, baka Do u trip over a mountain? Now you don't! u trip over the many stones all over that darn thing! And if you're really unlucky you'll trip at the very last stone at the top and end up falling down like a cloth doll and end up messing up your whole entire body! Will you survive? Hopefully! Maybe if Superman saves you! Like how he saves the planet. But oh no...you have some kryptonite his one true weakness! I guess you won't survive after all.... Do YOU believe in life after love? If not then your not alone a girl named Bella doesn't believe there is life after love~ But then again I guess she really wasn't truly living. If you're hot and you're wondering how to make some easy money what should you do? Well if your a dude you should totally get a tan (if you don't have 1) And wear a short black wig (if you don't have one). Then you just tear off your shirt and say that you're a werewolf! Though this will only work if you have well toned muscles. So what do you do if you don't? You go to the gym! But ah, this makes you more hotter doesn't? No big deal, just go to the bathroom and dunk your head in the sink! Then go back to working out. Ah but working out is so hard and it's not fast. So what do you do? You take special medicine that makes your muscles bigger! Hmm...but this special medicine is also messing with parts of your body that aren't muscles. So what do you do? I don't know...go ask a doctor or something. But oh! The doctor takes that special medicine too and has no clue. So I guess that means you're kind of screwed eh? Maybe next time you'll make a lemonade stand, but oh that requires.... Am I on anything? Nothing but pure imagination and boredom. It's an addicting kind of thing. But not too addicting you need to go to like rehab. y'know? This is it~ Can you beat me and make a longer post? OR be more random or somethin? I BET YOU CAN'T.
I'll take your challenge. A lemonade stand eh? I love lemonade. But I also like lemons. And limes. But I hate lemon lime flavored soda. But I had just lemonade soda once, and that was delicious. I watch too much TV. Whenever I see a sunset, it reminds me of pie. The exploding kind. I hate jellybeans too, but then there's that one kind that come in like, a million different flavors. I like that kind. The Dr. Pepper flavored jellybeans are my favorite. I like Zotts, too. Those are good. Whenever I eat a Zott, it reminds me of a sunset. Because they explode in your mouth. My sister swallowed a Zott whole once. She was sitting next to me and just started gagging. I asked what was wrong. She said "I swallowed my Zott." It was pretty funny. Malls are fun. Even if you're not there to buy anything, it's fun to hang out there. Me and my sis and a friend went to hang out at the mall. We went into a wilderness store. They had a giant cooler there, filled with rubber can-holders in the shape of fish heads once they're chopped off the body. You put the can in the wide open mouth. That was interesting. I once saw a giant fish balloon in a grocery store. It was half out of helium, so it sort of floated in the air. It was entirely too realistic. I also saw a motion activated baby-doll that giggled maniacly. I recorded it on my phone and have it saved as a ringtone. I also have the Paffendorf dance as a ringtone. How was that? Did I beat you? Who's next to beat me?
Please refrain from refraining to refrain from refraining whatever it is you think you are refraining.
Zotti are a prevalent part of life in Macedonia. Once my father and I were riding the Metro in Paris, a major tourist attraction. He mentioned how he, a pureblooded Macedonian, born and raised in Macedonia, was well-versed in combating gypsies. And with that, well-versed at combating thieves. Then a woman hopped off the Metro not long after, his wallet in hand. Oh sweet irony. Also, every Greek, be it man or woman, elder or child, should be dragged out into the street and shot. LONG LIVE MAKEDONIJA. I like to imagine that I have an active imagination. But when I try to imagine myself imagining, it is nothing but a halfhearted attempt and I give up, halfheartedly. I like to imagine that I've a world of my own, and that I am trapped in it. I like to imagine that all of my needs are catered to in this imaginary world of mine, that I've no need for external resources. Complete with unhealthy lustful thinking, an Italian girl-- Italian why? Perhaps because the Italians, along with the French, are connotated with love. I imagine that I am mentally unstable, spending my days in this internal world with my lover, and that I am well happy with her. She would be a true friend. But in reality, my imagination is too predictable and so, I don't imagine. The fact remains that anything I could imagine is not worth it, is a waste, and by existing in my imagination she does not live up to my expectations. I wish I could like to live in my imagination. But I don't. To wish is to expect, to expect is to disappoint. Now I'm sounding like some sourpuss, some middle-aged man. Mein gott, mon diet <--- french dieting, I meant mon dieu damned typo My god, my savior, I'VE CONVERTED INTO A HARDCORE CHRISTIAN. Mојот Бог, God. I've a few questions for YOU. 1) If a mountain higher than Mt. Everest is under sea levels, its location the Mariana Trench... is it really higher than Mt. Everest? 2) If a woodpecker could chuck what a... wood... fuck, I don't know. Sound waves reach my eardrums, they penetrate, what is this, we call it music. Music to the ears. I cringe. In the desert I saw a creature, naked, bestial, who squatting upon the ground, held his heart in his hand. And ate of it. I said, "Is it good, friend?" "It is bitter-- bitter," he answered. "But I like it because it is bitter and because it is my heart." She will sing to baby to its death. And we celebrate his death. i have always wondered what my fellow men taste like but then i remember, i remember the jarring facts i'm a vegetarian, and i make not a single exception but were i not a vegetarian, just as well then men would not be exempt from my dietary habits i would rip into your flesh, lick at your open wounds it would taste so sweet cannibalism never tasted so sweet oopsie, i violaeted my dietary habits :)) Roses are red, violaetes are blue, your junk is in my face, a violaetion now that's just crude, you're rude humour me, you ill-riddled tumoured man with your sickening humouresque CANE BANGING. GET OFF MY LAWN.