Another draw I made some time ago...and for some reason I really liked the way this one came out...I added some effects on Photoshop but the rest was all drawn by my own hands.:) I made this draw looking to my Sonic Advance 3 instructions blocket...xDD Well...hope you like! Any comments are apreciated...but not mean ones!! xD -Edit- Fixed!! Now it's smaller!! ;)
Could you possible shrink it a bit? Anyhoo, i think it looks really nice, i like the effect you added.
you did that yourself?whoa nice effect its kind of cool i have but one problem with it its to good my drawings are only doodles i make with dots
Yup! I did it!! :D I'm so glad you like it naminestwinsister! :) About your drawings...why don't you post them on this site? I would love to see them! :)
the leg looks a bit messed up.kinda bended a bit(the left leg)other than that i think it looks nice.Knuckles is my fav guy so i have no should try and color him =P
It's really good. There was nothing bad that distracted me while looking at it so I consider it an accomplishment.
Thank you The Chosen One!! I'm glad you like it! *gives you cookie* xD I'll try to make more draws like this one when I get the chance!;)
Thank you for liking it! :D The red effect...I made it on purpose!! xD .......I like red...xD once again thanks!:)
I like it a's very neat and it looks nice, which is great. The only thing that bothers me is that I can't see it very well because of the red...but that's not really a big issue. You did a nice job with it. ^^