Here's the deal, every year at my school the foreign language department has an international food tasting day where people bring food from different countries and you do all that eating mess during your foreign language period. every single person, teachers included, hates it, but it's for a grade so we don't really have much choice. so, what is something non-american, preferably something simple that can stay at room temperature and doesn't have to be microwaved or refrigerated, that you think would be good to take?
German Spice Cake Cookies: Even better if you don't have to make what you bring, you can probably find them at a grocery store or world market. EDIT: Ah btw, they are called Lebkuchen. Boxes might be labeled as such.
thanks. looks really simple to make and we have most of those ingredients already. I know one person in my class is in love with Germany so this will probably make them happy.
It's funny because such a freaking large majority of food we call "American" comes from other countries. German Fried Potatoes kick ass. My dad cooks them from time to time. Though they're best when they're a little hot.