I wanted to post threads for all the games announced(and reshown in Watch Dogs' case) but I figured I'd let other people have some fun with that. Plus I got the most interesting ones imo. XD This one looked nice. Some parts looked photorealistic(the approach anyways) and most of the characters looked cartoony. Reminded me of WoW. I don't play it but it really had some kind of similar artstyle. This thing runs on the Vita too so that's a plus.
The game looks promising. Its one of those titles that proves graphics don't mean everything. Plus Knack looks sooooooo adorable!
I wouldn't necessarily say I'm on pins and needles awaiting the arrival of this game. Not only would I have to switch systems just to play it, it doesn't look all that good. It looks like it'd be better as a movie than a video game. Rather, it might be something I'd have liked to play when I was seven. The graphics are too cartoon-y and I'm not seeing much story-plot wise. Humans fighting against ogres, how original. About the only thing this game has going for it is 'Knack' itself. I think the the character is intriguing. Other than that though, this is definitely not on my must play list. This would be something I'd play if I got it as a gift, or a freebie if/when I buy a PS4.