Kingodm Hearts II Universal Character Codes.

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, lately I've been getting various e-mails towards somethings, such as "What is the code for this" or that. And also requests for certain videos to become download able, and more. Well, as we at KHV answer most of your fan needs, however I should note that this is the KH2 version, and the KH2FM+ character modifiers will be put up soon.

    Special thanks to Apostrophe, Darksora45, Deadman128, Dengarde, GodShin, Hey_Thur, khkid1212, khpro, Master, NOBLEKNIGHT93, oblivion9794, Psxman, PWW, Xaldin, & Xerokuzai. With all of us working together, we managed cover every digit from Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, this really show what's possible to a game when we all work together. However I need to call out GodShin as well, if it wasn't for him. It's quite possible these cheats would have never even hit the surface, and if they did it'd be a long time off, so thank you!

    Also thank you Masters for compiling the list that is provided below, and for finding a few more Character Modifiers location codes, really helped for those few areas that lacked it.

    Download List Here

    Now moving on, there have been a few request for some of my code videos, mainly because people probably wish to use them for something, or view them in good quality, instead of youtube quality. Well don't worry once again, we got you covered. Though it's best to remember, to give credit where it's due.

    Note: Not all the videos are in HQ, as some were saved specifically for youtube, and didn't expect them to be requested for downloads.

    Saix vs 2 Axels
    Axel and Roxas (1)
    Axel vs Roxas in B&B
    Axel and Roxas in 1000 Heartless Battle
    Sephiroth vs Tifa Cloud and Sora
    Roxas vs Riku

    And finally, a requested audio, as a majority of people seem to actually like it better reversed, then they do forward.

    Rage Awakening Reversed

    Thank you all for visiting KHV, I was checking a few trackers for the site, it seems we just keep getting more and more visitors, we plan on keeping you busy throughout summer till TGS hits! So don't worry!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jun 29, 2007.

    1. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
      Nice work for all of this that your doing, Xaldin! You really worked hard on all of this!
    2. Gravity
      Nice work, Xaldin, and thanks a ton for the codes! I'm going to try some of these out later...

      That download won't work. T.T
    3. Xaldin
      Which one? I'll fix it.
    4. Gravity
      The last one...the Rage Awakening Reversed. The page opens but says something about it being unavailable.

      EDIT: Wait, nevermind, it works now. Thanks Xaldin. ^^
    5. RM Xemnas
      RM Xemnas
      wow. thanks for the Rage Awakening Reverse. It is better...

      btw, how did you make it?
    6. Desmonic
      Wow! Nice job Xaldin! The vids are awsome. BTW, could you give me the name of the song used in the Sephiroth fight? I would like to download it, if I can..
    7. Viroxor
      Is there any way to stream the videos? I don't think my computer could handle the download. It's very old.
    8. litenite_661
      dude just go on lime wire and type in sephiroth theme or something like that.... is it one winged angel?
    9. Xaldin

      Actually it's better to go to Bluelaguna, and look at the FFVII AC OST, since it's the Advent Children remix of One Winged Angel.
    10. Rick
      Are these codes for ARMAX? And are they for the PAL edition of the game or US?
      And how do they work? I mean, if I change slot 1 (sora) in port royal, with Tigger, will I use Tigger?
    11. Thir13en
      what does PAL mean? (Im new to this stuff)
    12. Rick
      It's the european version of the game...
    13. libregkd
    14. Xaldin

      Times like that the game will ust freeze, only certain partner codes will work out correctly, when switching with Sora.
    15. Rick
      And when switching with donald or goofy? And as I asked before, are those ARMAX codes, and for the PAL version or US?
    16. oblivion9794
      Thank u

      Thank you so much Xaldin for mentioning me and making all those videos for downlaod.thank you.
      EDIT: sorry this was off topic.
    17. FPS Steve
      FPS Steve
      Thanks a lot, Xaldin. By the way, is the code for replacing the normal music with Roxas' Theme on the list? You know, the music you made with Axel and Roxas vs. 1000 heartless?

      Thanks again.
    18. Rick
      Ok, I understand that they are NOT for ARMAX... How can I convert them to ARMAX - PAL?

      EDIT: I did it! Thanks anyway!
      EDIT2: ... and it obviously doesn't work!!! HELP!!! é___è

      I give up ç__ç
      I guess there is no way to convert them to PAL...

      Just a question!!! Will you post the PAL version list too? é___è
    19. FPS Steve
      FPS Steve
      OK, are theses codes ARMAX, or not? That's all I need to know. Thanks.