kingdom hearts!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by sokeventus, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. sokeventus Moogle Assistant

    Nov 22, 2010
    hey i wanted to ask if kingdom hearts will be an online game someday!!!!!!!:lol2:
  2. Gaming Reploid Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 20, 2008
    I think it may be possible, but it would have to be a prequel. Like, WAY before BBS. Remember, Xehanort said in one of his reports that there used to be "countless" keyblade masters out there. But now he only knows of a very few "outside his circle" (I believe that's how he put it). So I could see an MMORPG of Kingdom Hearts one day. Disney has made online games before (like Pirates of the Caribbean Online) and we all know Square-Enix has made some (Final Fantasy XI and XIV). My only concern is that when it comes (probably in 2053) that it wil require a monthly cost like FF11. I hope they make it like Pirates of the Caribbean online, where you can play for free, but paying members get some extras.

    I wonder what kind of "classes" there would be. I mean, we see three different fighting styles in BBS focusing on strength, magic, and speed. I wonder if they would make more like, a weaker but faster dual wielding class, or maybe one focused on defense, though that's hard to picture a shield-based keyblade...

    What do you guys think?
  3. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    That could work but wouldn't it work on a very small time fram because the keyblade war would be the only real even they could do and they would have to make it never ending otherwise people would get annoyed
  4. sokeventus Moogle Assistant

    Nov 22, 2010
    yeah!!!they could make kh an online game and have many different classes and keyblades like the lineage have many different swords and classes!!!i thnk if they create the kh online it would be the perfect game for mmorpg!!!!!
  5. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    Wouldn't that be difficult? I mean how would the makers know what types of clothing to add and also there is the armor to consider and even the cloaks since master Xahanort managed to get his hands on one would other keyblade whilders?
  6. sokeventus Moogle Assistant

    Nov 22, 2010
    they make this wonderful story and all this things and you think it would be difficult to make an mmorpg game the kingdom hearts?!!!!!!!!
  7. eentje Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 7, 2007
    Well, there's Final Fantasy online, so I don't believe its that difficult... Maybe its an idea for the future. The whole problem is that it has to be interresting for a long time and for different ages.
  8. kingdom_hearts_loverXX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 30, 2006
    I really wanted the Mirage Area to be online, but if you do you can just connect it to your ps3 if you have one; or tweak your psp to run on CFW.
  9. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I sincerely hope not.
    Both Final Fantasy MMOs are garbage, and they've even admitted that XIV has caused players to be lost. Now that they've finally got some sense I really hope they stop making MMOs and focus on real games.
    Also the concept just wouldn't work, a **** ton of new worlds would have to be made, each with their own backstory - somehow fitting into the already convoluted KH storyline - in order to accomodate the number of players. Even if regionally separated, there would be such a huge amount of players in each region it still wouldn't be worth it. If you really want to talk KH-universe sense, there aren't supposed to be that many Keyblade wielders. The only way that could possibly work is for it to be set during the Keyblade War, but I don't want to see another prequel. BBS was good, there is no need for a further game backstory.
    Though the Keyblade War would be an interesting concept, I don't know how "captivating" it would be because...well, all the players would have to die, lol.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I don't really understand why it has to be a canon game?
    I mean, there are plenty of spin off MMOs that aren't canon to their series.
    I would love a KH game, I see it as a Digimon Online kind of thing. The Keyblade War could be an interesting thing for a backstory, but since MMORPGs (usually) don't rely too much on the story itself, I don't think it's a big deal. They can use stuff like cloaks and armors for anyone depending on whether they're light or dark and it'd have a set of abilities (maybe travelling through the Realm of Darkness slowly takes off HP unless wearing one? The armors are faster than cloaks, etc). If there's a fee, I would love for full customization capabilities, but if it's just an online computer game without a fee then I see many Soras and Rikus and Terras running around (i.e., like Digimon Online) with Organization Members...that could be the class system. You start with either Human, Heartless, Nobody and you get a choice of light or dark (I don't see how that would work with Heartless) and it narrows down, etc.

    Tbh, I don't see it happening, but I wouldn't mind it if done right. But I've never played the FF ones so I can't really get a basis from that. (I'm still waiting on a Tactics styled MMORPG)
  11. sokeventus Moogle Assistant

    Nov 22, 2010
    Yes you re right!
    but what if they could maki kh like aion that players never be the same!!!!!it would be great.......
    everyone would love it!!!!!!
  12. eentje Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 7, 2007
    Well, it would be lame if everyone made their own Sora or Riku. And what about a test in the beginning to see if youcan wield a keyblade. You can screw that up and end up with a sword, staff or shield. That would make it more interesting. And with the sword/staff/shield you can assist a keyblade wielder. Then it would be interesting...
  13. Umiyuri Papaeyra Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 2, 2010
    In a box!
    Let's see. Design theory pool... :

    -AU universe. The game would take place in an alternate history where the events of Birth by Sleep do not come to pass. Ven, Aqua and Terra were not born and do not exist. If Sora, Riku and Kairi exist, only as NPCs who are included as a reference to the main series, unless something comes up in an expansion pack.
    -The Dive into the Heart introduction and tutorial chooses your character's class with a series of personality questions: classes include Keyblade Wielder (all around good, based on Sora), Guardian (defence-based, based on Goofy), Warrior (offence-based, speaks for itself), Mystic (all-around magic-based, based on Donald, essentially a Red Mage), Aligned (offensive magic-based, based off a generic Organisation member, essentially a Black Mage), and Prince/ss of Heart (healing magic-based, essentially a White Mage). The Keyblade Wielder class is given extremely rarely after the player inputs a certain set of answers that are unique to each game disc.
    -Only after the personality test is the player allowed to customise the character's appearance. Options that make the character look like characters from the main series would definitely only be given to members with premium accounts, and the options would have to be relevant to the class, eg. you can't make a Keyblade Wielder with Kairi's appearance, you can't make a Mystic that looks like Terra, you can't make a Prince of Heart that looks like Riku, and so on.
    -Enemies would be Heartless of all shapes and sizes. In the alternate history, there is probably a large group of people playing Ansem's role as leader of the Heartless who would be exclusive to the MMO.
    -Special bosses and expansion pack bosses would be Disney Villains.
    -The worlds included would likely have to be ones that haven't been involved in any Kingdom Hearts game and that all carry a particular theme, apart from certain standards: Olympus Coliseum, Radiant Garden, Disney Town/Castle.
    - Olympus Coliseum is a PvP tournament area.
    - Radiant Garden is in essence the players' forum, and also hosts a job board.
    - Disney Town/Castle is the minigame zone.

    ...Decent concept?
  14. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    That sounds really good I'd play it for sure.... only one problem everyone who plays the game would want to be a keyblade whilder and I think there would be a part were you would have to desighn your own keyblade cos so far exsept the whole thing with Xion there hasn't been two keyblades alike... Acctually a new thought that would make a good part of the game making it harder for keyblade whilders the other characters can buy weapons at the shop where as keyblade whilders have to stick to the keyblade they started with.... or they can only reseave new keychains to change their keyblade under really hard conditions. But they'd have to be ones in the game like if a princess of heart character made a promise with you that'd be the only way to get Oathkeeper or if a 'dark mage' character befriended you that would be the only way to get oblivion ect.
  15. NarutoSuperKubii Chaser

    Aug 6, 2008
    I would think like A "Person vs Person" thing, like play online with different classes and such. A rank system wouldn't be so bad, and some extra map parts they didn't reveal on the previous games. I would think of something like an online story mode like you can complete the story online. And some extra keyblades/abilities. Oh and a party system like Sora = Me online - Ven = someone else vs Terra = someone and so on. Of course this is just me and my ideas.
  16. sokeventus Moogle Assistant

    Nov 22, 2010
    it seems interestin everything you say i hope this will be available as an mmorpg and forsure i would play it!!!!!!Another question is how the map do you think it would be???????????????
  17. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    what? I think you must of missed a word out do you mean how big the map would have to be? If so I feel it would have to inclued all worlds seen in all the KH games and maybe even more though I still feel that the keyblade war would be the only good storyline that could include many characters and that would mean the main world would be the Keyblade Graveyard
  18. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I dunno, KH is confusing as it is, creating an alternate universe or non-canon game could confuse people. Especially with the amount of theories floating around, I think it would just serve to mess with the KH universe more. Plus, at heart KH is a strategy RPG and people play that genre because they like it. A MMO would more or less be a cash cow and that might turn people off from the series. And it would be yet another side game. >>
    Square-Enix can't do MMOs unfortunately, it's as simple as that. I played a bit of XI and I wasn't impressed, and I've heard horrible thing about XIV. Again, even SE admitted that XIV caused them to lose players.

    Still, I don't know if it could be possible, since the amount of people that would play it and the amount of worlds in KH wouldn't add up.
  19. eentje Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 7, 2007
    @DPWolf; We are just creating our own sort of imagination about it. I know Squeenix would only make a KH-MMORPG if they where really bored and if Nomura would let them do it. Its nothing serious, just ideas.
    And I thingk the map should be working like warp holes... They have them in Kitsu Saga. You jut run into it en select the world you want to go to.
    @Umiyuri Papeayra; I really like your character costumize thing. It's realy awesome.
  20. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    I still think it would be better if they kept in gummi ships but keyblade gliders would also be good