schools started up again and everyones,not really happy about it. a new year....and more fights,dances,proms...break-ups and such... the rebles and pts (teachers pets) never get on...and keep fighting maybe this year will be different...nobody knows....but the new head master xemnas...might things.... teachers xemnas/headmaster- saix/deputedhead-ME vexen- zexion- xigbar- xaldin- tps sora/leader- kairi/girl leader riku- tidus- yuna- wakka- sephie- leon- aries- yuffie- namine- hayner- pence- rebles roxas/leader-SORA! axel- demyx- cloud- tifa- rikku- paine- name:rini age:15 tp or reble: reble gender: female apperence: ocs name: age: tp or reble: gender: apperence: name:rini age:15 tp or reble: reble gender: female apperence: