To be honest I don't really know were to post this at but if I post it at the wrong area then it cannot be helped.... Anyways it is a test to see what character you are. Post you're results here :3
"You Scored as Goofy You are goofy. sucks to be you. your a turle in the lil mermaids level. you are extremely clumsy yet extremely loyal. you fight with a shield. sweet!" This quiz is bullsh*t.
Sat there for 20 minutes waiting for my result. Never got it. However, i've seen other people get theirs. I take this person's judgement on which character i'd be with a grain of salt, as they have such poor grammar.
i'm a sissy ==" "You Scored as Kairi You are kairi. You are very naive yet strong-willed yet the same. You care for your friends a great deal. And you wish to see what lies beyong your home."
You Scored as Kairi You are kairi. You are very naive yet strong-willed yet the same. You care for your friends a great deal. And you wish to see what lies beyong your home. Kairi 75% Goofy 70% Donald 70% Sora 65% peter pan 60% cid 55% Jack 35% maleficent 20% Riku 10% heartless 5% Bullsh*t that I get the girly princess who needs to be rescued by EVERYONE and can't even summon her own Keyblade.
You Scored as Kairi You are kairi. You are very naive yet strong-willed yet the same. You care for your friends a great deal. And you wish to see what lies beyong your home. Kairi 65% peter pan 60% Riku 60% cid 55% Donald 50% Sora 50% Goofy 50% Jack 45% maleficent 40% heartless 35% total bullshit
You Scored as Kairi. You are Kairi. You are very naive, yet strong-willed, yet the same. You care for your friends a great deal, and you wish to see what lies beyong your home. Kairi= 85% Cid= 75% Sora= 70% Goofy= 65% Peter Pan= 65% Donald= 40% Riku= 40% Heartless= 30% Jack= 20% Maleficent= 5%
You scored as Maleficent, you are a bittch that wants to rule the world Heartless=95 Riku=90 Jack=80 0.0
You Scored as Kairi You are kairi. You are very naive yet strong-willed yet the same. You care for your friends a great deal. And you wish to see what lies beyong your home. Kairi 75% cid 60% Sora 55% peter pan 50% Goofy 45% Riku 40% maleficent 35% Jack 15% heartless 15% Donald 10%
You Scored as Donald You are donald. You die way too much in the game. You are extremly stubborn. And follow orders. But in the end although you hide it friendship does matter. Donald 55% Kairi 50% Goofy 45% Jack 45% peter pan 40% Sora 40% maleficent 40% Riku 40% cid 25% heartless 20% I agree that this is utter bullsh*t
You Scored as Kairi You are kairi. You are very naive yet strong-willed yet the same. You care for your friends a great deal. And you wish to see what lies beyong your home. Kairi 75% Sora 70% peter pan 65% Goofy 65% cid 45% Jack 45% Riku 40% Donald 35% maleficent 35% heartless 5% *looks at name* Well.. what do you know