STORY SO FARfive years after beating xemnas sora was married to kairi and had a three year old daughter named arya and roxas was married to namine who also had a three year old daughter named day there was utter chaos on the was heartless.they were back and causing trouble again.once roxas and sora had deafted the heartles the king came and said they needed their help and that riku was waiting at the castle for them as he had moved there after just his son was born.the day after that kairi and sora walked along to the gummi ship.sora holding his daughters hand.when they reached it roxas and namine where already there.roxas was sitting with his daughter.namine was watching them.sora let go of arya`s hand and turned to kairi "sora...becareful..."she said tears in her eyes "I will.."sora said "promise me`ll come back to me and arya.."kairi said "promise."he said smiling"i`ll come back to you...i promise.." kairi smiled then burst into tears.he had just said what he said when he was fourteen and he was leaving kairi.sora hugged her then bent low to talk to arya "be good for your mummy ok?"he said smiling "ok daddy"she said hugging him "she`s so much like you sora..."kairi said smiling "i know but she looks like you more.."he said standing up.namine as crying and hugging roxas.then he bent down and was talking to his daughter.he stood up "ready sora?"he said "yeah lets go."sora said going to the gummi ship.he sat down as roxas sat at the wheel.he looked at kairi through the window and waved.she waved back the gummi ship rose in the air,kairi and namines hair flew around their faces as the watched sora and roxas for the last time perhaps leaving the island.kairi couldnt help thinking she`d never see sora again...she and namine took arya and yana back to their homes and went to sleep TWELVE YEARS LATER! chapter one-new drawings arya woke up no longer and thee year old.she was fifteen and looked even more like kairi.she got out of bed and pulled on her clothes.she wore something like sora`s clothes but her trouse were shorts and her top was sleeveless.she pulled on her shoes planning to go to the other island after she got yana.she ran down stairs her long redish-brown hair flewing behind her "hey mum"arya greeted her mother "mornning..i always said those clothes where too short for you...and if your father could see them..."kairi said crossing her arms "aw mum dont start that again...."arya said she grabbed a bit of toast and ran out the house.she got in a boat and then sailed to the other island.when she reached it she sat on the pier. yana came over "there you are"she said sitting next to arya.she had the same sort of dress as namine only it wasnt really a was a two was a white sleeveless top and mini skirt. "wheres zane?"yana asked.zane was arya`s best friend and who she secretly liked alot. "i dont know probaly still in his bed"arya said "oh am i?"said a voice fom behind.the girls turned to see boy with spickey brownish-blonde hair.he sat next to them. "so...whats the plan for today then?"he said "dunno.."arya said. "well im going swimming coming zane?"yana asked "yeah sounds good.."he stood up and jumped in "coming arya?"yana asked " going for a walk see you later ok?"she said getting up.yana and zane nodded.arya walked to the secret place.when she got inside she saw the dawings she and zane had done when they were only five.she started remebering.she was kneeling on the ground and zane was sitting.he smiled at her.she smiled back and contiued to draw him.when they were done she smiled again.then a hand apperd on her was kairi`s she was takening her out of the secret place and zanes mother was doing the same.zane was rikus son but riku had left fifteen years zane never knew him. "arya...zane dont go in there again...for your safty"kairi said "why cant we mummy?"arya asked "just dont"kairi said "ok"zane said.his mother took his hand "Bye kairi"she said taking him with her "bye arya."zane said she couldnt remeber anymore after that.she and zane had always sneaked down there after that.she smiled and got on her knees then picked up a rock and started drawing a star shaped fruit coming from her to zane.she was drawing a paopu fruit when she was finished she smiled again and touched his drawing. "this world has been conected....."said a voice from behind "huh? whos there?!"arya said turning quickly well is it any good? let me know if i should continue it
Okay, dude, I'm going to be honest. I have no idea what you are trying to write. I mean, seriously. Roxas and Namine had joined with their Others so you are going to have to explain 'why' they are not in Sora and Kairi. Second, give us some more background. Maybe describe the pain felt when Kairi saw Sora leave. Btw, please check your grammer.